i <3 my credit union

Ok. Even tho my checking account officially reads O.OO right now, I heart my credit union. Cuz I managed to overdraw by 7 dollars (damn online bill pay….never sends when I expect it to, argh.) but I have some sort of automatic safety thinger, which made it take 7 dollars from my savings, transfer it to checking, and save me from actually getting charged for an overdrawn check. thank fuck. I never understood the concept of charging people for overdrawn checks. I mean, HELLO! There’s NO MONEY, that’s why it’s overdrawn in the first frigging place. oi vey.

Thankfully, I also got my paystub from the psych center today, which should be deposited to my account tomorrow, so I can pay my car loan, which is due tomorrow, and my other loan, which was due yesterday. Oops. But I mostly worry about the car loan, since it’s in my sisters name too.

Have I mentioned lately that I HATE money?

Have I also mentioned that the lady I have been sitting for just randomly hands me money or something? I haven’t sat down to figure it out, but it’s like she’s paying me 10 bucks an hour or something??? I only sat from 330-600 today, and she gave me $21 dollars? I guess maybe she’s paying me extra for picking them up from daycare or something?? I’m not complaining. Just wondering if I should say something. I mean. The $50 for watching them from 1-8 didn’t seem *that* excessive, since I picked them up and fed them. But today I didn’t even cook anything for them, just gave them snacks. So. I think I’ll say something tomorrow. Maybe she meant to give me a 10 and a 1 instead of a 20 and a 1? I dunno.

Foot is doing better. Walked alot today, so it hurts now. But wasn’t too bad while walking.

Played some Sims today. First time in a while. Got little Jeannie into private school, wOoT! hehe. And Jo is like, nearly maxed out on several of the skills. 🙂 Katerina moved out, but Alexis and Jeannie are still home. heh. Nik’s goal was to adopt 10 kids. Oi vey! Maybe if I keep getting them the Elixir of Life or use the time cheat…dunno. Hesitant to let them get to be elders! Don’t want them to die 🙁 I think Katerina is a lesbian. Since she became an adult, she doesn’t want to flirt with any of the boys anymore, but will flirt with one or two of the girls!! Weird. But acceptable. *grin*

Had some nice thunder today. Wish we’d get more.

Took some sleepy pills a bit ago, should go lay down.

I *think* I won a blanket as a door prize for giving blood yesterday, but I can’t remember if I was dreaming or not….lol.

Excited about the TSS job. Looking forward to regular hours. Not excited to tell Donna at work :(Gonna have to put in my schedule request soon tho. Think I’m gonna make it something like “3-4 days/wk maximum, preferably weekends.” Tho that’s gonna fuck up my ability to see AJ, so. hrmmmm. Dunno dunno. Wishing AJ w/could just move here with me, but that’s not fair to ask, so. *sigh* Will have to keep figuring things out.

M made a good point while we were out the other nite- I was telling her how Dr DS mentioned that I should go to grad school and how I can’t imagine ever going back to school cuz of the loan thing. And M was saying that with some TSS work under my belt, I’d prolly be a great candidate for an assistantship thing. True, maybe. Is it a bad thing that the thought of going back to school and taking psych classes excites me? more than nursing ever did……

Anyhow. Sleepytime.

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July 27, 2006

not bad thing – school is about figuring out what you love, then finding a way to make a living doing it.

I hate money too. And it’s never wrong to admit what excites you.

geez… most of the banks around here offer that overdraft protection thing… but what they really mean is–they’ll transfer the money from your savings to cover the checks–BUT they still CHARGE you the overdraft fee! Yeah. I just closed an account because I made a Sat. deposit & put my bills in the mail afterward. The BIG one went thru on Monday. They credited my deposit and yet, somehow still managed to take overdraft fees (worth $170!!!) for the 5 checks that also went thru that day. They *said* it was because the BIGGIE went thru as an electronic debit. I’m clueless & STILL didn’t understand HOW they could do that as the ledger online NEVER showed a negative balance. …so I closed my account. I HATE banks. :p

Hmmm… I LIKE this new HUGE note option. Never noticed that before! 😀

RYN: Yep, same thing. First showed up in high school when I started growing facial hair. And unless it’s an extreme situation, the facial hair’s still the only thing I really go after. It’s a nervous thing. Half the time, I’m not even aware that I’m doing it.