
So. Jeff took my blood pressure at work this morning. Well. First I took it on the automatic cuff we have, which generally sucks a bit. It gave a reading of like, 86/72 or something. So I showed it to Donna and she suggested Jeff take it manually. He did. And got 90/70. Hrm. Now. For a while, my BP had been running 120/80ish range which is normal (or was, til they changed it a year or two ago). That was “high” for me, as I usually had run 112/78ish before I started on Wellbutrin. But 90/70 is really rather low…He had taken it a few weeks ago and it was low then too.

Wow, that Photobucket thing really annoys me. heh. oh well.

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March 5, 2006

you can shrink it

Was I wrong to copy and post the rape entry? There’s an ass who keeps harassing me about it, saying I shouldn’t even be talking about it because I’m a guy. What’s your opinion on that? If you think I should take it down, I will.

RYN: Sure. Go for it. I’ve been known to widely misinterpret things in the past, so I wanted to be sure we were on the same page here. So what this guy said really rattled me at first. He’s left me 4 notes, 3 of which I’ve deleted. But as he’s left more, I’ve realized he’s just a troll looking to cause trouble.

“widely” should have been “wildly.”