
Yesterday at work was….difficult.
Ended up calling L to come in AND Growlie’s mom.
Today was better, tho there was an incident in the library where I had to call the classroom teacher to come help me get Growlie back to the room. But all’s well that ends well. Or something.
I’ve been doing ok, emotionally for a little while. But tonite. I dunno. I was watching a movie- Lost in Translation and suddenly I just…had the biggest urge to cut. I haven’t, yet.
But. I just.
I hurt.
And I wanna call write J but I don’t feel I should. And I feel like I should be back in therapy but I dunno.
I wish this dumb movie was over so I could go to bed. Even tho it’s only 740pm.
don’t wanna hurt.

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September 11, 2007

write her… go back to therapy *hugs* i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you.

Turn off the dumb movie. It wasn’t that good anyway. Stuff happens. The end.

Write it out, if you can. And remember to keep breathing. Thinking of you.

September 11, 2007

was it a triggering movie? i haven’t seen it. i don’t want you to hurt either… *~

September 12, 2007

Indeed, follow your heart and write J…and do go back to therapy… *hugs* too…