home again home again jaggity jigged

Just (a few hours ago) got home from helping my sister move. Eesh. It’s been a week. I’m exhausted. Drove to their new place, which is only about 2 hours away and about 10 minutes later got in the car with her husband and father in law and baby and drove to their old place which is about 9 or 10 hours away. Spent a few days watching Z while H was at work and while the boys packed the truck. The hugest truck U-Haul has. I want to say 72 feet? Something like that. And this was the SECOND haul. And boy, they filled it full, to the ceiling from front to back. Not to mention filling the van full, and the pickup truck. Tho the pickup did have the motorcycle in the back. But still, stuff was packed all around it. lah. I do think they got MOST everything tho, just some remnants that will hopefully all fit in the van when they come back. Cuz they packed and stuff and then we went to H’s graduation from UNC on Saturday, then one guy drove the uhaul, one drove the pickup, and H and the baby and I went in the van. Unpacked enough of the Uhaul on Sunday nite to get the mattresses out (took an hour of unpacking to get to them…), then finished emptying the truck by noon on Monday. Spent the rest of the day and today hauling everything in from the garage to the house and setting stuff up and such. Oi. And then I drove home today and H and her husband and the baby were driving back to NC today or tomorrow, cuz H still has to work a few days, and then they are coming back to the new house next friday for good, as far as I know. Heh. Hope so, since there is NOTHING much left in the old house. Eesh.

Anyways. Here’re some pics…

Z and my sister and I at her graduation. She’s a doctor now 🙂 Well, a doctor of pharmacy…wOOt!

He wanted that hat. Especially the tassle 🙂

He’s only 9months old, but he’s a big boy! 24lbs!! My arms are tired from holding him all week. But he’s SUCH a pleasant little thing, very smiley and relatively easy to console when he’s upset. Quite easygoing. Yay! Gawd he’s so CUTE. hehe.

We took several naps together. Mmm. How I miss cuddling up with sleeping babies. He still sleeps in bed with his parents (I had SEVERAL chats with my sister about this….) Which results in him not napping as long if he’s not next to someone, or if someone isn’t right there if he even just wiggles around a bit. So, I spent a lot of time being Right There. (hehe. I’m not really complaining, but it’s gonna get to be an issue eventually, when he refuses to sleep in his own crib/bed/room. But whatever. Not my kid…)

I enjoy this picture. I was holding up one of his little foam number puzzle things and playing peek-a-boo and I thought it’d make a cute/interesting picture. I like the composition.

Playing in his bouncy seat thing. He’s not crawling yet. Well, he kind of scoots backwards. But he can sort of stand up on his own for a few seconds 🙂 And, by the time I left this morning, I had him scootching forward in little spurts to reach for things. I had to keep yelling at my sister cuz he’d be on the floor on his tummy playing and he’d reach for something and she’d toss it to him and I was like “Duh!! No wonder he doesn’t want to learn to crawl. He doesn’t HAVE to, you GIVE him everything he wants!!!” *rolls eyes* She’ll learn.

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He’s an adorable little guy. I especially like the napping shot. =o)

May 18, 2005
