
I went and visited Em today. It was a nice drive down, tho a rainy drive home. We had a lovely time. Played scrabble, crazystyle. Pushed her car into its parking space after it stalled out as we were trying to leave. Went to EnP. Played some more scrabble. Then I came home. WoOt.

It’s pouring down rain and it sounds so lovely outside. Wonder if we’re going to finally get some SNOW????? *crosses fingers*

Anyways. Some pics, prolly not in order. But they’re from Xmas eve at M’s, Xmas day at mum’s and ‘first nite’/new year’s eve at home….

AJ, N, Echo, B, M, E

squeeeeeeeeeeeeze!! 🙂

RB and DB. Gah, when did they grow up so quick??

M, DB, B (he’s her godfather)

🙂 so cute

Z & I playing with the Zebra flashlight I got him for X-mas

*grin* such a ham. He saw me get my camera out and couldn’t resist peeking up at me

Z & Me!!

🙂 My love and I. Yeah, 90% of the photos of us are taken by me, thus my generally odd look/angle in all of them.

B was part of the First Nite activities. He plays with a few others and damn they sounded good!!!

The ball dropping rising in our little town. 🙂 First pic of the year, wOoT 🙂

at M’s after the festivities, enjoying a glass of bubbly….

I’ll hafta remember to take new pics of Kleio soon. She just shed some more a few days ago. Little bugger’s growing like crazy 🙂

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I wish someone had given me a zebra flashlight when I was younger. The closest I came was owl binoculars.

-MWAH- y’all are such little cutie heads. 🙂

January 8, 2007

fun fun fun

you all are too cute for words! 🙂

(I hope you’re doing well these days. ((((hugs)))) )

January 8, 2007

Glad you had a good holiday 🙂

January 8, 2007

lovvvvvvvve all the pictures!!!

YAYYYY!! I got a package today!! It had smiley faces & coloring pages in it (and the magazines/booklets… I squirreled those away to the bedside for quiet time enjoyment)!!! O was standing there as I opened it & I flipped the pages over & he got ALL excited… “you’re friend sent you that picture? It’s SO awesome!” 🙂 Thank you. Thank you TONS. (((smiley, giggly hugs)))