hinder ***EDIT***

2 hr delay this morning. Which is good cuz I can finish cleaning which of course I didn’t do last nite.

Even tho I also didn’t sleep. Not for lack of trying. Just couldn’t.

Damn toilet is clogged again. After looking up why drano is not for use on toilets, I looked up alternate methods for unclogging a drain. One of which is dish soap. I will try that. Although I suspect my plunger is crap (pun only half intended.)

Some of the things ppl said about the dish soap made me laugh. One in particular:

Dish soap works! – For 3 long days, my toilet was clogged. Super muscle-plunging for hours wouldn’t work but after putting in 2 squirts of Palmolive, 4 flushes, and about 10 plunges…VOILA! My bowl is now squeaky clean and my plunger is moisturized. This tip saved my marriage.

This comment also amused me, I’m not sure why. It’s from another site totally, one discussing slow flushing or poor flushing toilets….

It’s also possible that the toilet was made back in the late 1980s, when designs were shifting toward water-saving toilets but the technology had not been refined, in which case you may want to buy a new toilet.

I guess it’s cuz…I don’t think of toilets as something you really *buy*. They should just….come with the dwelling. And that remark made me think of someone being like “Oh, while you’re out, could you pick up a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a toilet…” heh.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with the toilet. Last time it clogged I thought it could’ve been because I flushed the snail shell. Even tho it was a small snail. But I haven’t flushed anything out of the ordinary this time. Nor have the cats, that I’m aware of. Tho I’m sure they would if they possibly could.

The snow is beautiful.

I’m not even tired. Tho I’m sure I will be later. I really hope yoga isn’t canceled. lah.

Apropos song….it only hurts when I laugh…. Not sure what song. Something about california resting in peace, simultaneous release, priests, priestesses, etc.

SWEET!!!!!!!!! The soap in the toilet thing? TOTALLY WORKED!! I squeezed in about 2 2-second squeezes and then flushed. The toilet did its “oooh, I’m gonna flow to almost the top and freak you the fuck out by making you think I’m gonna spew all over the floor!” thing, only this time it went more than usual and almost DID spew on to the floor. And I stood and stared at it for a few seconds, contemplating plunging now or waiting and plunging once some of the water drained a bit and then all of a sudden it gurggggggled and WHOOSH. All the crap went away.

Maybe I need to drink some palmolive and all my…non-tangible…crap will go away….. :p

Now hopefully the downstairs apt doesn’t complain of bubbles in the sink, which someone said might happen. But I don’t really care. I’d rather deal with bubble complaints than with a crappy shitter. Double :oP

Now. To clean the rest of the apartment. I have approximately an hour. It’s do-able. I think. heh.

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i like this line, lately. “it only hurts when i breathe.”

ha… that’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Dani California” 🙂 That soap in the toilet thing is interesting! (and the notes? lol… & the “while you’re out, pick up some bread & and… a toilet.” 🙂 That’s *really* funny.)

March 7, 2007

wow…i have such strong sense memories about Palmolive. *~

March 7, 2007

I’d leave a note but I’ve got to get to Wal Mart for a new toilet. Good luck,

So, now that you’ve had success with the soap in the shitter, what would *your* clever comment on the experience be? =oP

you will likely be getting a postcard from Heathy’s girl scout troop related to fundraising & “please buy a magazine to support our troop” and blah blah blah… 🙂 (if you haven’t already?) & I just wanted to say, I have been overrun with fundraiser crap between the two kids these days & the magazine thing was the latest one. I KNOW you’re broke & I don’t expect you to buy anything, but she hadto fill out 10 cards to win her little prize & when it came right down to it, between friends & family… you were in the 10 that I could send stuff to. (that’s a GOOD thing right? 🙂 So you get a postcard. Anyway… in case you got it & were thinking, “who the hell? what the hell?” …just so you know… you’re on my top ten most important people’s list. 🙂