Hey Mr Postman….

Ok. So. Not ONLY do I forget to pay my rent. But then when I put it in the mailbox after I DO remember….IT DOESN’T GET PICKED UP????? Not entirely sure why, there doesn’t seem to be any mail today. July 4th was last week. *grumbles*

Well. My kitchen counters are cleanas clean as they ever get at least… All that remains in there is to do the dishes and sweep/dry swift/vacuum/mop. I can almost garauntee that I won’t mop. More likely I will just wetswifter it. eheh. And the dishes may not get done either, cuz they’re not actually dirty, they’re just the other ones that H found last time I was there and they need rinsed off and such. So. It can wait. :op

Living room is basically clean. Just need to vacuum.

Bedroom is cleaner than it was 20 minutes ago. eheh. I think at least all the dirty clothes have made it to the bathroom. Not to the hamper, mind you, but at least they’re *near* the hamper. Now I just have to deal with the clean clothes and piles of books. The books will prolly just be rearranged into neater piles. The clean clothes…erm. Putting -those- away requires actually putting the 2 baskets in the closet that need put away, as I can’t actually get to the dresser with them there. *sigh* Shoes need to be put away as well.

The bathroom. eeehhh. Other than the dirty clothes, junk all piled on/in the sink, and the 20 gallon aquarium sitting in the middle of the floor, it’s pretty clean. :op

I need another bookshelf. Maybe if I got a white one, I could put it in the living room behind the recliner chair. (More like a chair that reclines…) It doesn’t need to be highly accessible. I’d just like to have all of my nursing texts on the shelf in my room, and then all of the overflow stuff can go on the other one. Theoretically I -could- just pile them in the living room closet, as it already contains crates of texts. But those are all theatre/comm books. These ones are dictionaries, drug cards, psych books and such. And I use them quite often. I don’t think I wrote one paper last semester without referencing at least one of them. And I use the APA Manual all of the time. (Ironic that I didn’t even buy it until -after- I took all but one of my psych classes.) Not that I don’t still bug J and such when I can’t be arsed to keep searching for it in the manual. eheh. le’sigh.

The current bookshelf would hold all of the books. Just, the problem being that the shelves don’t adjust as I need them to. So unless I do away with the top shelf, I can’t put any of the tall books on the second shelf. And doing away with the top shelf wouldn’t be very efficient or effective, since it houses all of my notes/ note cards/ random shite. Grrr.

Lah lah lah. Still need to:
-pay rest of bills
-water plants
-water animals
-put out extra cat food
-empty boxes of nat’l geographic out of trunk of car
-print up directions
-litter box

As well as the whole vacuuming, finish cleaning, etc dealio.

blah blah blah.

Last nite was not categorizable as “fun” eheh. Didn’t get to sleep until 5 or 530 this morning, awake again at 9. Dozed on and off, or tried to, until 11ish. Got up to find that J wanted to meet, so I called her. Showered. Walked to school and picked up my paycheck. Sat in J’s office for a few hours. *sigh* Walked home and tried to pay attn to the world around me. Took the long way to avoid Main St.

And of COURSE once I started cleaning, I found the frikin ball to my eyebrow bar that I lost last week. Geeeez.

I should probably stop procrastinating and get back to cleaning, else I’ll never get to the laundry and won’t have any clean clothes to take with me. meh.

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