hereover, hereunder, but that’s the deal my dear

Mrs W’s bday today. I should say Cheryl, as HS was full of Mrs W’s’. lah. Not that I’ve heard from her in years. Whatever.

Home from AJ’s today. Was s’posed to go to an inservice at work but didn’t. Didn’t feel like being in a room full of ALL college students (the January one is esp for students who can’t attend the ones during the semester…). So.

I open this white Write An Entry box and stare at the cursor, blinking. And I have nothing to say. Nothing I want to say.

It must be winter again- Pandora is sleeping on the bed. She used to do that every nite when she was little, but then stopped. Every now and again I’ll wake to find her cuddled next to me, but generally that’s when she wants food or the litterbox cleaned. But then in winter, she sleeps on the bed a lot more. Kicks Journey out for a while, I guess.

Haven’t told mum or H yet about skewl. Or…anyone really.fucking waste of space Whatever.

Should take these stupid shinysharpthings to my appt tomorrow, but prolly won’t cuz I’m an idiot.

I dare you to move, I dare you to move, lift yourself up off the floor like today never happened, like today never happened, today never happened before…. -switchfoot.

AJ and I went to see Curse of the Were-Rabbit– the newest Wallace & Gromit movie. It was cute. And only cost $1.50 for two of us. 75 cents each. I was like whoa….And the the theatre wasn’t even disgusting. Or, not too disgusting. In the mall beforehand we ran in to Homie and her asshole boyfriend. Of course, I managed to forget his name when intro’ing him to AJ. How’s that for the subconscious at work….*sigh* Homie just…I dunno. It felt really awkward for me. But. Whatever. People change. *shrugs*

I can’t really think about it. There’s already too much on my plate. I’m bloated and nauseous as it is.

I stopped at the pet store on my way home to get crickets and a mouse and also bought a new frog cuz…*shrugs* Cuz I saw them at the mall yesterday and they were cute and I wanted one but they were also tiny. ANd the pet store here actually had them, on sale, and they were similarsized to Alix, so.

No name yet. Maybe I shall call it Squishy. eheh.

I need to refigure out how to save my OE mail to disk. I’ve done it a zillion times and never can remember how. *sigh*

My stomach hurts.

*sigh* Sage words ahead…..

[E], To me, it’s sounding like you want to know the ending of the book
rather than reading it. Your life should be in a period of upheaval
now — you’ve just earned a D and been kicked out of the nursing
program. You need to decide whether you want to continue in nursing,
if not, what you want to do instead. You have to find a new job —
unless you go back to school almost immediately (deadlines for social
work and counseling programs are next semester). Where do you want to
live? With whom? Can you take your menagerie? And, of course, all of
the sex and Patrick stuff is still there.

Of course you’re overwhelmed. Anyone would be. This is called
existential anxiety. You can ignore the decisions (which doesn’t make
the problems go away), you can jump to an easy and quick answer, or
you can face them and work on resolving them. I’d vote for the third

You can, of course, avoid for a while until the heat decreases enough
for you to do something about the problems. You don’t walk on a
sprain immediately, but after the swelling goes down. Maybe this is
an inflammatory period, but you do eventually want to get back to

Except. Everytime I try to walk, I fall again.

Log in to write a note

Yay! I have the internet again! (Addict!) — J

I should visit the pet store and get something like a frog… I’ve been holding out for a dog once I get my yard finished, but it would be fun to have a lizard or amphibian… nifty idea! And 75 cent tickets? Wow, we need one of those theaters here. 🙂 ryn: But I’ll be sure to take my floating luggage. 😉

Squishy is good…

January 5, 2006