
lah lah lah. Monday again.

This weekend was excrutiatingly long and I was in a very bad, grouchy, evil, self-loathing kind of a mood. I’m slightly better now, though it might just be from the complete amusement I’m feeling towards one of my nursing instructors. She stands on the stage and giggles the whole time she’s lecturing. While we all try to figure out what in fuck’s sake is so funny. She must do a lot of drugs. :op Perhaps it’s a nervous habit…I giggle when I’m nervous. But. She’s been teaching for how many years now? Wouldn’t she be over it by now?

I’m still not exactly in a good mood. I’d classify it as really, really depressed, actually. All I want to do is crawl into bed and stay there forever. *sigh* And I’m so tired again. I’m wondering if the iron pills are effecting the way my synthroid is working. I really don’t want to get my levels drawn again, but I prolly should call the dr so she can check on the TSH stuff and the iron stuff, to see if I’m done being anemic. That would be nice.

This exam for Process is going to be ucky. It’s all on GI stuff. Pyloric Stenosis, cleft lip & palatte, small and large bowel obstruction, cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis (A-F), colycistitis, peritonitis, gallbladder and pancreatic disorders, cholelithiasis (gallstones), appendacitis, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, crohn’s disease, colonostomies, iliostomies, sigmoidostomies…..and there’s more that I just can’t remember. So much stuff. *sigh* It’s next Wednesday. Wee.

I sent out an email to Allies this weekend, about the various resources we have, and several people have emailed me back, which excites me. I guess the key was putting my personal email address in there. People are apparently more likely to email me personally than to email the allies email. Works for me.

I’m convinced it’s never going to be warm in this town again. It’s nearly April and right now it’s snowing outside. *whine* I need sunshine. I need to open my apartment windows and air the place out. Amazingly it doesn’t get awful stinky with two cats, but it still gets stuffy. le sigh.

There are 12 pages of pharm homework to be doing right now. Lah. I have to meet Dr F at 1. She’ll prolly be late, since she hasn’t been on time yet since I’ve started working for her. Oh well. I just sit on the floor outside her office and read or whatnot.

I’m all caught up on poetry stuff, that makes me happy.

I should go eat. Tho I’m not hungry.

I’ve lost my stethescope somewhere. :o( That makes me sad. It was purple. Oh well. I should get a lipmann anyways, they’re better quality and you can actually hear out of them. eheh.

The class schedule is out. A group of nsg students are petitioning to have an evening clinical, since right now there’s just a 7am-1pm on TW. YUCK, doubleyuckEWWWW. eheh. Especially since I have to be up on Mondays and Thursdays for our 8am Process class. If they get an evening clinical, I might take either Cognitive Psych or Abnormal Psych next semester. I’m not sure at all what cognitive psych is, but it sounds interesting, and Doc P teaches it. I’d -really- like to take abnormal, I’ve been trying to do so for like, 2 years, but J’s been teaching it. But next semester Dr S is teaching it. He’s fun. He’s has a lovely southern-ish lilting accent. He amuses me. I had him for supervised field placement last semester.

If we -don’t- get an evening clinical (and I’d almost say that we won’t, cuz they’re very stingy when changing things. They fear change. But. I think Liz really likes teaching an evening clinical. So it might happen…), I can’t take Cognitive -or- Abnormal. So I’ll have to take web classes. Actually I need to talk to Financial Aid about all of that stuff. You’d think, after…uhm….6(?) years of college, I’d know financial aid stuff inside and out. But I really don’t.

That reminds me that I forgot to put my mail out. Shit. And I need to call DPW (like a week ago) and tell them I have another job, before I get yelled at for fraud or something. Oopsie.

Ugh. Ok. My stomach hurts. This is about to be TMI. You’ve been warned.
So, I’m randomly getting my period, sort of. But not really? It’s really kind of odd. Seeing as I haven’t had it in like…uh…right. Can’t remember the last time. 6 or 8 or 12 months or something. And usually when it’s been that long and I get it, I -really- get it. Not this time, apparently. *shrugs* I’m guessing that’s why I’ve been so naseaous for the past week or so. Dunno. Blergh. Stupid girl stuff. Can’t I donate my ovaries and all the rest of it to science? I don’t want them and don’t need them.

That is all.

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girl stuff… that is probably why you are feeling REALLY depressed AND tired. At least when I get mine? …I usually want to do nothing BUT sleep for like 2-3 days & I feel down and then it comes and I’m like… ‘ahhhh… ok’. & then I let myself lay about and sleep a lot. Because it’s MY TIME. 😉 (((((((huge gigantic hugs)))))))

Come to Cal-ee-for-nee-ah. They have warm. -bc