Have some tonic with that gin…

lah. Well, ended up that after M came home last nite, she needed dog food (Well, Dixie needed dog food, but. yeah.), so I went and got some dog food and donuts and some tonic and Squirt. She made us some drinks (strong, for mine, would be an overstatement *giggolz* But it made the headache go away) and we just sat on the couch and talked for a while, which was pretty damn nice.

I ended up sleeping over, so I could be here in the morning when she needed to leave at 7.

E just went in to surgery….THREE hours, they said it was gonna take. oi.

DB just came in and sat on the couch. She looks so sad. But she says she’s ok. hmmmm.

Gonna go see what I can do for her.

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& ryn: Logistics & such… Yeah, me either. But it was a dream, y’know? 🙂 (in reality a bullet would probably blow a rather large hole in a fridge as well)