Goodbye Chandyland

Well. Today was my last day at ye ol’ Chandyland.

It’s weird to be officially done. I was there 4 years 1 month and 13 days, give or take a few days. I managed to not cry as I said my various goodbyes, although it was quite difficult with Chef and a few others, cuz I genuinely liked them. Not something I can say for everyone I worked with, lol. But there were a few I liked and that I will sincerely miss.

I am driving Al to the city tomorrow cuz she needed a ride home for spring break and so I offered. Not sure how far things are gonna go with her. Just not sure. I guess it’s too early to tell. I enjoy hanging out with her, but don’t necessarily miss her when we’re not hanging out. Does that come with time? I’m so bad at relationships. I don’t know how to be in a healthy one.

heh. There’s someone wedging herself under my elbow as I try to type. Oh how far we’ve come, this mutt and I!!

I’ve managed to get sick and spent all of yesterday and most of this morning in bed, trying to not get sicker. I feel somewhat better, though my nose is still runny/stuff and my head is congested. Leave it to me to get sick right before starting a new job. Although that’s prolly part of why I’m getting sick…I tend to stress out. I’m rather nervous about it all. Such a change. So many What If’s. All of the UNKNOWNSSSSSSS. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

hehe. Ok. It’ll be ok. #1 they wouldn’t have hired me if they didn’t think I was competent. #2 if I fail, there’s always Chandyland. I was shaking my boss’ hand farewell this afternoon and he said if it didn’t work out to come see him and he’d see what he could do about rehiring me, so that was nice. Good to know there’s a plan B, I guess. Tho god help my self esteem if I have to go crawling back there, heh.

I should go pay attention to the mutt so she stops barking. (It’s probably ironic that I call her a mutt, since she’s probably purebred manchester terrier, whatever that is…) Like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife, ya know? lol…..

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I think with the girl it IS too soon to tell anything. Except that I think it’s a good thing that you do enjoy spending time with her. Also yes! They hired you. Hello? 🙂 Rest & take good care of yourself so you feel better for your first day! ((hugs))