Good, but sad… *edit*

I passed my exam – 43/50, which is an 86, I think. Which is a B? I can’t remember the cutoff for a B. I know 80 is the lowest C.

But, I *was* reminded that an A in the nsg program isn’t a 92 like I thought, it’s a 94, which means I actually got a B on my pharm exam, since I only got a 92% 🙁

But. Still. Neither are too shabby. I need to find a copy of the grading scale. Hmmm.

I need to go change for clinical now. But one of my clinical-mates is in there right now, so I’ll wait a few minutes. Wee.

I’m kinda bummed about the grading scale thing. Oh well, what can ya do.


Found the grading scale online:

94-100 = A
87- 93 = B
80- 86 = C
73- 79 = D
72 & below = E

Damn. Means I got a C. :o( Now I’m *really* bummed.

Log in to write a note

Put it behind you and just look ahead to the next one. You’ll do better.

Wow, that’s a pretty strict grading scale. 86 has always been a B in my book. ryn: LOL, *high five* You rock! And yes, I posted the stick man game in my LJ rather than on OD. 🙂

I HATE HATE HATE “scales”. Since when is an 86 flippin’ % a C?!?!? *sigh* or a 92% a B??? UGH UGH UGH! I always hated scales (even if I *still* got the high grade–cuz I was an OCD obsessive perfectionist & shit but you know–I PAID dearly for that–I still thought the scale thing was just… WRONG)


hey, doll. a c is better than an f, right? and thanks for your note. -smooch-

February 15, 2005

rough scale…but better next time. BARELY a c, anyway. can come back from it, and that’s what’s important. at least you *care*…also important.