glory, glory

Well. A time for contemplation and reflection. But isn’t that a constant state of mind for me….who knows, who knows. I wonder if Gloria will call me today. (thus far it’s 5pm and she hasn’t, so. I wrote the rest of this around 1am this morning) I’m ashamed to say, she’s not been in my mind for a while. Too much other shite that’s needed to be dealt with. But now, today, I’m sure she’ll be right there in the forefront.

I’m not sure what I expected when I searched for her. Mostly I think I expected that I’d never find her. But find her, I certainly did. More than two years ago. Is that possible??? We’ve only met once. And’ve only talked/communicated a handful of times.

I’m so awkward, even with people I’ve known my whole life, letalone with people who…with this person whom I’ve an unbreakable tie with, this person to whom I am entwined, forever.

But. Despite the fact that my genes came from her…there is no Insta-Bond, ya know? Even tho I feel as if there should be. Maybe for some people there is. And maybe, were the circumstances different, there would be for us too. But that’s not the case. And I sit and stare at this picture of the two of us smiling. And I see no similarities. And I feel petty for wanting to see curly hair or brown eyes on her, or blue eyes and blonde hair on me.

Apparently Daddy-O, whoever he may be, had the dominant genes. Cuz this olive skin sure didn’t come from that paler-than-snow woman. This cumbersome frame didn’t come from that skin-n-bones petite woman. I guess, at least, I do resemble one of her sons. Or I should say he resembles me, since I came first. At least, our baby pictures look similar. I dunno.

Something that I wrote last year. Nothing exactly poetic or profound or even well written. But such is life:


Eleven minutes
of awkward conversation
punctuated by
many seconds of silence.

Two people searching
for an unknown

Two lives connected
by a double helix
of proteins
and genes.

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But na interesting poem nonetheless. 🙂

na = an My typing skills get worse as the day progresses.

…sometimes there isn’t that “insta-bond” even with babies you’ve held onto, y’know? With Owen I had that instant & fierce bond… with Heather it was different. 3 months of colic & non-stop screaming and not even NURSING to help generate some sense of closeness… because when she nursed, she would usually do the projectile vomit thing all over afterward so even THAT… I felt utterly helpless

with her… Helpless to comfort her, to nurture her, & yeah, sometimes even to love her… which isn’t meant to seem heartless but you know… when you haven’t slept a wink in weeks or months & there’s this creature that you can’t just walk away from who just won’t stop SCREAMING… you know. Anyway… I bonded with her, obviously but it was a lot of WORK.