frogs, cats, guilt, trees, etc. (pic heavy)

I think one of the things I’ll miss most about this apt when I’m no longer living here is the tree. (And I hafta say, my cheapo digital doesn’t do half bad some days!!)

getting some lovin’ from Piwacket (if anyone knows how to spell that, please tell me. Apparently it’s a character from an old movie? My mum always named black and/or siamese cats Piwacket. And, apparently, calicos too. hehe.)

isn’t she adorable???

Squishy! (the frog. :op)

Trying to get a pic of the shirt I was explaining in the last entry. And enjoying some snuggle time with the lil’ softie there…

*giggolz* She was purring on my neck and it tickled!!

three frogs, tree frogs. Squishy and the two new additions. Frainc and Frodo. The big gray splotch is where the flash was. heh.

I hadn’t seen the regular tree frogs (the brown ones that I caught outside) stick to the glass before today! It surprised me. And then I saw the one just kinda hanging there. It was funny. Fuzzy, I know. But still funny.

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June 15, 2006


June 15, 2006

Love your pets!! Especially the cats, I’m a big cat lover!

June 15, 2006

By the way I think it’s adorable you named one squishy – I nicknamed my young cat Squishy…and apparently we got it from the same movie! lol! I want your shirt! 🙂

June 15, 2006

RYN: Not a stalker. 🙂 Though you are quite amusing. I heart simple mind’s friends.

June 15, 2006

Lol, yep finding Nemo!! And yep, that’s a bearded dragon. Flint! He’s a german giant, a trait of GG’s is protruding eyes – I dont’ know his lineage so I’m almost certain he was inbred for that trait, which is so sad, but I’m not breeding him at all. I also have a collared lizard and two cats 🙂

ryn: flogger–> 🙂 (not sure if you can by-pass the “yeah, I’m 18 lemme in” thing with a direct link? If not–just type in “flogger” & you’ll see. a nice heavy thuddy suede one=fabulous. They make rubber & stingy ones but–OUCH! 🙂 & not so randomly. I think meeting f’real would be awesome. 🙂

June 15, 2006

I had no idea! Even niftier!

June 16, 2006

hmmm rubbing chin…we eat frog legs here… lovely tree and pics of you and cat. smiling here.

June 16, 2006

heh… her name is Pyewacket. it’s an old James Stewart(?) movie…. my grandma loves it (and most other old movies). Book Bell and Candle or Bell Book Candle… it’s actually cute. Kind of a Bewitch theme going… sort of. you should see if you can watch it….show the Pyewacket her namesake…. – I’m a /huge/ fan and talking to him was just /amazing/ (skybluepink, too lazy to sign in.)