Freak Out

Currently freaking about this exam tomorrow. Ugh ugh ugh. I *know* the stuff (mostly), but some of it is so similar that I know I’ll get messed up. Erm. I should p’raps think more positively. But. Argh!! Like, right now I know that Accolate is a leukotriene receptor agonist and Aerobid is an inhaled steroid and Atrovent is an anticholinergic bronchodilator adn Albeuterol is a sympathomimetic. Butbutbut. All those A’s!

Ok. Ok. *breathing*

aTrovent, anTicholinergic.
aCColate, leuKotriene

And I remember Albeuterol cuz I’ve been on it, so I SYMPATHize with the SYMPATHomimetics. lah lah lah.

The ones for the Upper Respiratory system aren’t so bad.

Antitussive= codeine, benylin
Decongestant…topical nasal= Afrin
Oral= pseudoephedrive
topical nasal steroid= beclovent. (But beclovent is also used for lower respiratory, cuz it’s an inhaled steroid…)
Antihistamine= benedryl
Expectorant= guaifenesin (I remember that cuz I am allergic to the pill form)
Let’s see. That’s 4. But there are five. Uhmuhmuhm…
Mucolytics= mucomyst (also used for tylenol OD)

But. I also have to know how each works, what the side effects are, and what, specifically, they’re used to treat. Let’s see if I can get the lower resp ones….

Xanthines= slo-bid, theo-dur
inhaled steroids= beclovant, aerobid
Necromadil= Tilade
Cromolyn= intal
Ok, that’s 4. There’s 7.
Oh..Anticholinergic something or others= tttttt. Atrovent!
Leukotrinic Receptor antagonists=k. damnit. accolate?
Ok, 6. Missing one.
(had to look)- Sympathomimetics=albeuterol.

Ok. Breathe. I know more than I think I know. Plus, I know almost all of the info from the introductory chapters (drug phases, half life, first pass effect, toxitiy, pregnancy categories-a is least harmful, x is most harmful, controlled substance categories- I is most potential for abuse, V is least potential for abuse…uhm…nephrotoxicity is toxicity of the…nephro is liver? or is hepatic the liver? shit. Ok keep going…otitoxicity is when certain drugs like aspirin mess up the 8th cranial nerve and it’s also called audiotoxicity. Super infections are when your body kills off it’s own flora (bacteria) that is *supposed* to be there. lah lah lah. Ugh.)

It’ll be ok. I just need to calm the fuck down. eeeeeeergh.

But I got a nice reply from J about this morning’s session. Yay 🙂

I should start doing yoga again. Now that I’m better able and more comfortable with the meditation stuff. (I don’t get so terrified of my own brain as I used to. This is a good thing.)

Plus, I’m so achy from actually *doing* stuff at clinical, like moving 200 pound men up in their beds and such. Yoga would prolly help with the muscle aches.

Gawd it feels good to be relatively well-rested. I went to bed around 11 last nite and was up before the alarm at around 9. Then Pandora climbed in to bed and curled up next to my head which she rarely does, so I stayed in bed and fell asleep again until 10 or so. lol. I went to bed last nite listening to my pharmocology notes. They put me right to sleep apparently. 😉

No, actually it’s interesting stuff and stuff I need to know and I’d rather learn it and know it than just cram for a test and then forget it all. So. Yes.

Oh, I just made a dinner date with Jay at 830pm. I need to go finish up my care plan and get back to studying! Oi.

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I think you’ll do okay. just keep breathing. =o)

yoga yoga yoga… I need to get back into my regular practice again–soooo badly. Maybe we can pester each other? Hello, Echo? Did you do yoga today? No. GO DO IT!! Tiger–did YOU? Umm… no. GO DO IT!!!! 🙂

Ok, Ms. Soon to be Nurse–I’ve got a bit of a question for you… Major sinus infections… do antibiotics really DO anything at all for these?? (I read somewhere they didn’t *really*) …& am just curious. Mine seem to feel “better” but as soon as I go off the anti-b’s they come right back. H has a really REALLY bad one… and her doc wants her on anti-b’s for a MONTH. I’m hesitant.

Insights/ideas?? (for both of us really because mine is currently so bad that WALKING makes my teeth ache… y’know. the “vibration” from my footfalls? UGH. I sooo do not want to go BACK on the anti-b’s!!!) Anyway. Maybe you don’t know… maybe you do… 🙂 *shrugs*