
lalala. Working a LOT lately. Which is good. But tiring.

Actually, they called me off the nite before last, which pissed me the fuck off, cuz Donna chose to keep Jeff and Don. Because they were BOYS. Gee, sorry I don’t have a penis. *sigh* Ok, ok. I know, logically, it makes sense- they *are* bigger and therefore technically stronger. And patients do tend to back off a little when there are men present. But STILL. If it had been ANY other staff/supervisor, I’d so jump all over gender discrimination!!! But cuz it’s Donna, I just feel guilty for being angry. *rolls eyes*

So, I caught a frog at work last nite. I was walking btwn the units, and it was stuck to the window in the courtyard. And I couldn’t resist. I know, I know, it’s wrong to take animals out of their habitats and such. But. But. He’s so cuuuuute. And besides, I don’t see how it could escape the courtyard life anyways, so. hrmph. I know, it’s wrong of me. But Squishy needed a friend. Since I think Squishy ate Limey, the last friend. And Limey cost 12 bucks. Frainc (new friend) cost nothing. Hopefully Squishy won’t eat Frainc. *gives Squishy the evileye* *makes mental note to buy crickets tomorrow*

Anyways. Catching Frainc and bringing him (hehe. So, yeah, I think of them as “hers” even tho I say “him”. All of my pets, in my minds eye, are female. Even tho I know my last bearded wasn’t and the snake wasn’t. But frogs, I dunno how you tell, so.) home gave me incentive to clean the disgusting tank that was Squishy’s home. Now it’s all prettyfied. With live plants and gravel and dirt and stuff. Tho. Frogs and dirt don’t mix as well as anoles and dirt, I’ve found. heh. So much for stealing M’s kewl tank ideas. But I just added more gravel, so hopefully they’ll be ok.

I took pics, but I’m too tired to dl and photoshop and upload and post them. Maybe later. Right now, I really prolly should sleep, since I work again tonite. I also should do the dishes, since they’re beginning to smell disgusting, heh.

I bought new scrubs at Wally World this morning. They’re purple. 🙂

Sleepy time, I think.

Oh, and also I watched a girl fall and gash her chin open this morning. She fainted and just wacked her chin off the desk. Chipped a tooth. I couldn’t even try to catch her, she was on the other side of the desk. And Don just like, stood there and watched her. *rolls eyes* Some people. I almost thought she was having a seizure, but I don’t think it was. I think she just passed out. She started Risperdal last nite and her BP was really low, like 72/54 or something, and I was trying to get her pulse but it was too weak to feel on her wrist, so I was looking for a stethascope when she went down. lah. So I was an hour late getting out of work cuz I had to fill out an incident report. Eesh.

Ok. Sleepie time.

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May 28, 2006

I don’t think she believes in Budha as such – just some of the philosophies

May 28, 2006

i had a demon parakeet that use to kill his cage mates… hope squishy behaves.

I want to see the pictures. =o/ Also, how much bigger was Squishy than Limey?