Fossil Fuel

I feel very much like crap right now.

I don’t mean that literally at the moment, tho that could change given the fact that I’m eating a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Fossil Fuel ice cream by myself.

Therapy today. eh. Didn’t go so well.

I never know what I want. I hate when she asks me. Makes me feel stupid, like I’m failing. I have all week to think of what I want from our time together, and yet when the time comes, I have no words.

She gave me some cd’s by a guy name Joe Brown (?) No. Joseph Marshall. Listening (sort of) to one now. Soothing sound. Need to actually *hear* it, but will do that later.

Right now I’m gonna go over to M’s and curl up on her couch and read and try to feel better.

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October 10, 2006

i never knew what to say in therapy. which is why i think i quit, ultimately. what i started doing was carrying around a little tiny notebook and just jotted (sp>!) sh*t down when i thought about it. it usually happened in transit to somewhere…on buses…walking to class…and then at least i’d have a tiny bit of something to say “this came up in my head on X day…etc.” i wouldn’t say “X day etc.”, although i think if i *did* they might have recommended MORE therapy. HA! i wish i was eating ice cream. xoxo *~

I hope you do feel better soon. If it’s any comfort, I’m not sure that I’ve *ever* really known what I wanted.

October 11, 2006

i’m sorry therapy didn’t go well