flood of nightmares

bleh. dreamed elmer died and no one told me. i was at my sisters and something was said about him having died last thursday and i was like ‘what??’ but then. something…i dunno, then he was there again? dunno.

dreamed i was at a pet store with DB and she wanted a fish and i said i’d get her one if it wasn’t too expensive, but the cheapest one in the tank was like, 800 dollars and the most expensive was like, 2000 or something. and i told her i just couldn’t afford it and her eyes welled up with tears but she didn’t cry. and she was explaining something about a girl in her class and a fish. and then i heard another boy in the store explaining the same thing to his father. and i was trying to buy a betta, and got all this long brite pink tubing for the air pump and stuff. and then DB’s ‘uncle’ B was there and he was talking to me. and we kept like, teasing him a little cuz he kept getting sidetracked from the story. then he was explaining how he had to go to the show early because they’d moved some stuff due to all the flooding. then we went outside and he crossed the street and i started, and there was a big truck coming and it slowed down and i stood there like a crossing guard while all these kids from the petstore crossed, but then DB was just standing there and the truck started moving towards me and i hollered that she needed to get out of the road and finally just want and shooed her across and she was like “but CF (her friend) is still at the petstore!” and she was, standing against the wall in a black tshirt with white writing. I think it was a dance shirt from their dance studio.

don’t remember much of any others. up and down all nite tho. only took 1 seroquel cuz i needed to be up early to go to aj’s, even tho i work tomorrow nite. so i can only go this morning and will have to leave prolly when aj goes to work tomorrow. i was gonna stay until friday, but i had written that i was willing to work tomorrow before i had figured on going to aj’s and then forgotten and they called and i was half asleep and i agreed to work. and i need the money. but blah. oh well. some time is better than no time.

but i need to get a shower and get going. it was raining heavy here a few minutes ago, but has stopped now. area’s been under flash flood warnings for about 2 days. lah.

therapy yesterday…meh. did not go well. think i’m gonna quit for a while and stop wasting everyone’s time. *shrugs*

need to go get ready.

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June 27, 2006

Yucky dreams – don’t quit. my 2 cents.

I hate death dreams. =o( *hugs* I’m about to do an entry on the totally whacked dream I had last night. It involves werewolves, W, and Shatner.

June 27, 2006

Sorry bout the dreams. I know how horrible they can be :/