fivehundredtwentyfivethousandsixhundred minutes…

About the time I pulled in to my parking lot tonite, I realised that I had forgotten to leave out extra food for the cats while I was out of town. Oops. Luckily they each have enough excess fat on them to live for 15 years without food. :op Anyhow. I fed them and now all is forgiven. Tho of course Pandora did her “Ohmygawd-i-thought-you-were-never-coming-home-to-feed-us-again,-what-if-this-is-my-last-meal?” binge. And then purged on the bag of things that need to be returned to wally world.

Which inspired Journey to….clean up after her, before I had the chance to get papertowels and do it myself. How thoughtful of her. *urps* Oh well. They also lick their own bums, so what should I expect…

Uh. Anyways.

My visit with AJ was…lovely…*grin* Tho she wouldn’t let me take her to see Rent even tho I insisted. *sigh* I hate being poor. But, we still saw it of course, cuz she paid. heh. About 3 minutes in to the movie, I leaned over to her and was like We MUST own this. It was really, really, really good. I was way impressed with how they translated the stage play(musical) into a movie, cuz they managed to do so without making it excessively cheesy (I mean, parts were “cheesy” but not really. At least, no more so than the musical!) But it’s very much in the style of….well…most musicals that get made in to movies! But sometimes when they do that, it’s like “ok. People are randomly bursting in to song. what’s with this?” And usually it’s an older show, so you don’t question it, cuz you’re already fascinated by the way the technicolour makes everything unnaturally….colourful. (Ya know. “Rosey” cheeks become almost brilliant magenta? Blonde hair is just a little…too blonde..) And this is a modern show, so. I wasn’t sure how they’d do it…if they’d try to incorporate the songs, or just leave it as is, with people randomly bursting in to song.

Like I said, I was impressed. And I cried for the entire second half of the movie. *rolls eyes* Just as I did when I saw it on Broadway. Just as I do when I listen to the whole soundtrack from start to finish, consciously. (Mindfully…?) Heh. But people were sniffling all around me, so. And even if they hadn’t been :op I was sitting with my head on AJ’s shoulder and she had a scarf on and she offered me the end of it, lol. Loooooooooooooooove her. lah.

Another kewl thing is that the cast of the movie (the leads anyhow) are pretty much the original broadway cast (the ones on the original broadway cast recording, at least.) INCLUDING Jesse Martin as Collins. (Detective Green from Law & Order) Everyone except for Mimi and Joanne was the same.

Can I say, the new Joanne? ohmyfurkinggawd that woman has a VOICE.) Well. Most of them do, :p but. Hers was pretty heart-stopping. Not to mention the fact that she’s gorgeous.)

Fun things: Idina Menzel (Maureen) was also Elphaba in Wicked. Rosario Dawson (Mimi) was in Shattered Glass which I wrote a paper on and did several scene studies for in Movie Studies. And Anthony Rapp (Mark) was in Adventures in Babysitting which is a kickass movie that I haven’t seen in way too long. Also in A Beautiful Mind, another great movie.

I’m s’posed to be studying. Ugh.

So. Yeah. And I definately cried when trying to leave AJ’s today. *sigh* But. Can I say that it was….lovely….to just hang out and hold her for hours on end this weekend? It was.

But! I was good and did actually do some studying too. And ate. :p

And mostly didn’t freak out about the nursing exam I have on Thursday and the cumulative Nursing final that I have the following Monday (as in, four days later. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK) Not to mention the social psych final (which I’m not worried about cuz even if I failed it, I’d still pass the class, and I don’t intend to fail it, and I’m mostly caught up on all of the readings, so I should do decently.) And. The social psych paper that is due…oh…tomorrow. However, she drops the lowest grade and I’ve not gotten anything lower than 18/20 on the other 5, and don’t expect I’ll fail 6 and 7 which she hasn’t graded yet. So I should be good there, as well.

I love when the cats fight and then randomly stop and flop down on the floor all curled up with one another. Gawd they’re precious.

AJ and I went to Panera after the movie. Yuuuuum. I had garden vegetable soup and it was fantabulous.

Hahah. AJ and I kept seeing kids, little ones this weekend and I was like “aaah! I want one!!” But she said I couldn’t have those ones. At least, not for very long. pltzzzzz. She’s no fun! ;o)

It’s nice that she doesn’t go “eeehhh. Kids? Not so much…” like 95% of my friends do. Nicer yet, that she seems to adore them almost as much as I do which not one of my friends does. Yay 🙂 She’s Practically Perfect in Every Way. (haha. Just watched Mary Poppins at my sisters during Thanksgiving for the last social psych paper I had to write….)

My head hurts from driving. Lately I’ve noticed that driving at nite gives me a really, really bad headache. Prolly cuz I get so tense cuz I tend to be blinded by other peoples’ headlights. heh. The skin on my face and head feels all tight. lah.

Oh well. I should go finish learning (re-learning. Or at least, re-listening) about benign prostatic hypertrophy. It’s not FUN. (Frequency, urgency, nocturia….)

Heh. One of the actual diagnostic tests to do to see if a male has erectile dysfunction is to wrap a strip of postage stamps around his penis before he goes to bed. I find this amusing. Even more amusing was bits of the conversation that took place during the lecture. At one point the instructor was like “Of course, now that stamps are 37 cents a piece, you might want to use something else, like address labels or those stickers you get in the mail to put on christmas cards…” And as she was finishing the lecture she added as an afterthought “Wait, I should tell you you don’t lick the stamps first!!!” And a minute or two later this girl who is just…she’s kinda the type who has a comment for everything, often acts like SHE is the professor (she’s in my clinical group, she’s always butting in on conversations and such when we’re talking about ways to do things…) and she’s always so serious about everything. She’s one of those people who is really booksmart, but a bit lacking on common sense? (Like, if it’s not stated or written in a book, she doesn’t think about it. Like the day she asked in clinical about how they are so bad about not talking about women when discussing health issues, like heart disease. And prostate cancer…..) Anyways. She raised her hand and was like “Well. What about now-a-days, what with stamps always being the self-adhesive kind…I mean, you just can’t find anything else anymore. So then what do we do?”

Of course the entire class broke down in laughter (again.) at that. It was, in general, an amusing lecture. The instructor is one who isn’t at all shy about things, as some of the others are. And she was talking about papaverine (uh…it’s an evasoactive agent that you pretty much inject directly…) and how it can cause priapism. And she was like “this is NOT a normal expected outcome. It’s no good. Well. Not for the man anyway.” Her “afterthought” comments, on many subjects, are just funny. Heheh. In talking about possible nursing diagnosis for BPH…she was talking about how “Self perception related to altered body identity” was a major one to consider. Cuz, ya know. With some of the symptomology, it’s a real issue. You can expect that a man isn’t going to feel good about himself if he is always dribbling after urination. It’s just not the cool thing to do. Or discussing viagra and the possible side effects. It can cause headaches, flushing of the face and neck. Runny nose…well *that’s* real attractive… heh. She’s just funny.

Oh well. Off to figure out various tx for bladder spasms. Yay for kegal exercises…..*rolls eyes*

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December 4, 2005

heee kegal excerizes.. “Lately I’ve noticed that driving at nite gives me a really, really bad headache. Prolly cuz I get so tense cuz I tend to be blinded by other peoples’ headlights.” Do you squint often? Like.. should be wearing glasses??? ‘Cause this happens to me too.. cant sTAND bright lights at night while driving = headaches and I’m pretty sure it’s from squinting.

hmm.. a movie that can burst into “La Vie Boheme” without sounding cheesy or weird? I guess I just might to go see it. -bc

December 5, 2005

this is your babysitting reminder – Emmy has strep. Yay.

Also cried during RENT, more than I will own up to here;)

hmmm… I’m guessing based on your note that obviously you had a reaction/experience not shared here? I’m… laughing at the class chatter… *g* & I’m sending you big, big hugs (((((Holly)))) (and I’m pretending for the moment that if I try very hard I can SKIP dinner time altogether… since I have NO ideas & nothing to make and… stuff 🙂 ..time travel?… 🙂

…think if I act well I can thoroughly convince everyone that we already ATE dinner?? “You aren’t hungry!! We just ATE!!” 😉 xxoo,