
Wow. I actually left the house on Monday. Went to dinner with AJ and Em. Then went on a petbuying adventure. Good times, I think, were had by all.

Except for maybe the weird petstoreclerkman. But that is neither here nor there. Now I want a fish. :op Loooook…….

(I guess i should clarify that the petbuying was not for me, but for Em…..)

mmmm. 6 months, 1 week. Already. Only. mmmmmm.

Okay, Okay, I’ll leave the tip, you don’t have to!!!

The Fish. Samson

one of The Snails

Fish watching.

Pets are proven to bring about greater mental health and relaxation. *nods*

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January 18, 2006

*smiles* & Selfish Notes can be an oddly “good” thing… just so you know. xxoo,