Finish Line

So, even tho there is one more day of training, we are essentially done, because we’ve finished all of the components that required tests or skill outs. Whew. No more hurdles to jump….the only thing between being an official employee and me is a day of bookstuff. Which, actually, we got our first paychecks today, so that’s official enough for me LOL….

For the last four days we were with the same instructor, learning SCM (safe crisis management) which is basically how to get out of chokes and how to physically assist the youths when they become aggressive or violent or whatnot. We skilled out on about 15 techniques. We all did perfectly, which he said in his 8 yrs of teaching the class, it’s the first time everyone has gotten all the points on everything, so that was cool.

After we were done, he came over to me and was like "We’re getting you off of night shift…." and basically said my knowledge and skills will be put to waste there. I thanked him politely, it was nice of him to say but I thought he was just saying it. Later tho, when he ran in to me in the back of the caf he was like "I meant what I said….your insights and skills need to be utilized." I told him once there was an opening on his unit he could let me know.

I’m feeling pretty proud of myself, cuz that’s kind of an awesome compliment.

Also feeling awesome about the paycheck, lol.

Not feeling as awesome about the 5k I’m running on Saturday, as I’ve only run once this week and didn’t run at all last week!!! My time is going to be so damn slow, ughhhh. My own damn fault for being lazy. Hoping once I start working nights I can get a routine going and get back in to running 5 days a week at least. It would help if the weather would clear up and be spring like, of course. Thankfully it’s supposed to be lovely on Saturday for the race, so yay for that.

I am going to go nap before it’s time for book club!

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I knew you would be fabulous. And yay for compliments and paychecks! Yay new things! Also runs even if your time is slow. <3 I’m gonna pfft whatever! 🙂 that too. Your body will remember. ((hugs))