
-late to clinical
-extra assignments because i was 25 minutes late (for a SIX HOUR “class”…I didn’t even miss morning report.)
-RN who wouldn’t really give me the time of day and huffed every time I tracked her down to ask a question
-condescending clinical instructor
-apparently everyone failed the Process quiz so horribly that there is another one on Thursday. It’s apparently posted on Bb, but….
-all of the school servers, including Bb, seem to be down. So I can’t see the memo about the exam. Or see if Carie posted our grades yet (prolly not, as she had an exam in her gen psy class too, of 91 students. eheh…). Or check on Carie’s students to see that they’ve all posted something on Bb like they were s’posed to do.
-walking home from therp, I happened to check my phone to see if AJ had called and she hadn’t, but my sister had sent me a txt saying that Z has a temp of 104 and was at the hospital with my b.i.l and they’re not sure if it’s related to Kawasaki’s or not- they drew blood work but it won’t be back until 6ish.
-Bb is down so I can’t get the papers that I need for the assignment that I was supposed to turn in this morning.
-my apt, once again, is a mess and AJ will be here Thursday
-I didn’t get enough info on my pt today in order to do a complete care plan, which is BAD. Some people have done THREE already, and I’ve not even done ONE. FUCK.

And yes. I know. People have lost their homes and everything that they own. And in comparison, my petty problems are nothing.

But ya know what? Knowing that? Just makes me feel worse for feeling bad in the first place.

I think I’ll go to bed.

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Hi Holly! The number for Amy in the hospital is 954-962-9650. Ask to be connected to Rm 488 Bed 1. Let it ring….for a hospital, they’re SLOW to answer. I know she’ll be pleased to hear from you! Thank you. ~Mezzo

September 27, 2005

hope your nephew gets better soon! good luck with all your classwork.

September 27, 2005

RYN: Ohh. I thought you were not going to go because you said you’d rather miss things than be late.

September 28, 2005

ever tried listing the good things?

…”ever tried listing the good thing?” Phhbbblllttt… no offense to that noter but… I liked your “too much frustration & not enough trees” comment in an entry the other day. …cuz yeah. & the whole thinking about how people out there have lost their homes & EVERYthing… Yep. My friend (Kvetch) whose son died this summer? I feel like shit every time I email her & “whine” about my petty

shit. Like… it’s NOTHING in comparison. & she’s struggled with depression & had zero luck in terms of ANY med helping at all… you know, like as long as I have & in terms of “functioning” I think she was at a far lower level–spending far more time in bed because it was the whole “sleep or think about offing yourself” option you know? …than I have/did… but even she said the other day

“what did I have to BE depressed about–I mean–REALLY? Nothing.” But even she still GETS that it doesn’t MATTER. When your there–you’re THERE. Even so. I still feel stupid. Which makes me feel worse for feeling bad myself as well… because even thinking about the people out there who have bigger struggles… it doesn’t diminish my own… WHATEVER. So yeah. I know. xxoo,