falling down


Apparently something’s wrong with me?

I haven’t felt “right” all day. Out of sorts and dizzy-ish. Stomach’s been cranky and I’ve been having sort of heat flashes.

I scrapped my plan to clean the apartment and instead have spent the day scrap-booking. Still feeling crappy, but at least *doing* something and not just laying in bed all day letting my brain fester and stew and drive me insane.

I had watched Rent, The Truth about Cats and Dogs, and was most of the way thru Stealing Home when I decided to get up and try to eat something. (I did eat earlier, so that’s not what was causing the dizzy-ness.) Apparently I stood up too fast cuz suddenly I was on the floor with a cat sniffing at me and another huddled in the corner.

Blergh. Hooray for orthostatic hypotension. meh.

Maybe it’s from giving blood yesterday? Tho the last few times I donated I didn’t have a problem with passing out. And when I *did* pass out from it, it was always the same day. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with also having 3 tubes of blood drawn earlier in the week. Tho I wouldn’t think that 3 tubes would really affect much of anything. Maybe I just haven’t been drinking enough, tho I’ve tried to.


Just wish I felt less crappy. And less like throwing up. meh.

Happy thanksgiving? lah……

But I am having some fun with the scrapbooking thing. So. yay.

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Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you feel better soon. =o)

November 23, 2006

i heart you. *~

I fell prey to some blechy tummy/nausea ick Wednesday into Thursday myself… Wonderful as I had to cook & clean all friggin’ day. I didn’t fall down though. :*( I wish you & AJ could have come to our house for Thanksgiving dinner!!! 🙂 (((echo)))

November 28, 2006

I’ve been writing alot for NanoWrimo , but the scrapbooking sounds like fun. Anyways, I hope you get better, yeah I’ve had a few times where my stomache hurts and I felt like throwing up, I was dizzy too, for awhile, I might have a possible chance of getting a fever. But I feel better today, woke up, at 3 in the morning and I didn’t feel tired. Hopefully I wont pass out too. lol. See you later.:)