F*%#$@!!! Car.

My lovely little car just sucked up another 83 dollars and 36 cents. ARGH. Technically, it could’ve only cost me 55 something, for the tire. But I decided, instead of waiting 2 days for AAA to tow me (they couldn’t do it til 5pm, at which point I will be in a meeting so…) So I paid the frikkin 25 dollar service charge for the tire place to drive to my car, put a spare on, and drive back to the tire place to change the tire. *rolls eyes* Whatever. If I’m gonna go broke, I might as well go *really* broke, right? *simmers*

So. I had my pharm exam. It wasn’t near as bad as I thought. Tho I realized earlier that I missed a question that I thought I got right :/ I think I got a solid B this time.

The plan was to finish my exam and rush back to main campus and get here in time/a little late for the second Allies panel, which was only going to be attended by Beeker and some random girl who’s been to one meeting and never been on a panel. What’s up with that?! So. I was gonna try to get there.

Well. I finished earlier than I even gave leeway for, so I was having a nice peaceful drive home, was going to make it to campus in plenty of time for the start of the panel. And then….then my tire explodes. *ARGH*

Of course, most everyone who has a car was either *at* the panel or unable to be at the panel cuz they had class. And I couldn’t get M or Crys or even Elisabeth- the woman whose grandkids I babysat over the summer. NO ONE. I contemplated walking up the very curvy, very busy highway. But watching the cars whip past deterred that idea. I can barely walk on the street-side of a sidewalk, the traffic un-nerves me so. Well. On one last whim, I tried M’s office again and thank gawd, she picked up. So E came and picked me up, and offered to fix the tire. But he was dressed up, and I had to be to the panel and I was just too annoyed to realize that I probably *did* have a spare tire in the trunk. eheh. So, he just dropped me off at school. The panel went pretty well.

Afterwards, I had to go up and see J, cuz she had my watch (I left it at therapy yesterday). What’s the irony in this….yesterday it was all I could do to squeeze out 3 intelligible words in a row. Today? I stood there and babbled for 15 minutes. *rolls eyes* And, as I was venting, I realized I was also looking at her. eheh. Apparently I’m conditioned to do therapy at any time other than the alloted therapy-session time. Oi vey.

Well. Then I walked home in the freezing cold and my ears hurt like CRAZY when I got home. J, along with my watch, gave me a pamphlet on TMJ. I need to read it. I need to not add another malady to my ever increasing list.

As I was walking to the tire place, because I couldn’t remember the name of it, to find it in the phone book to call them, and it’s about 2 minutes down the road, Jay called me. He sounded really down and I tried my best to be supportive. But then he told me that the budget for Allies was due yesterday at 4pm, and that it wasn’t done. That pissed me off. We’ve KNOWN about it for how long???? If I had -known- it wasn’t being worked on, I would’ve been nagging and annoying until it *got* worked on. Ugh. I understand that we’re all excessively busy, and I’m not placing blame on anyone, and it’s not even Jay I’m really angry at. I’m just angry about the situation. So. That and the fact that I had no idea what was up with my car just sent me into a bad mood, so I was kind of short with Jay and hung up rather tritely when we were done. But I did tell him I’d talk to him later, when I was in a better mood. *sigh*

I’m in an Ok mood. When I got home from school, I checked my credit card balances to see which one to put the tire on, only to find that they nearly doubled my credit line. I really wish they’d quit that! eheh. But I was proud to see that I had only charged $16 since my last statement. So I’ve been really good about not spending. Yay for me.

I think I just feel ok, lighter, cuz my classes are done for an entire week, my car is once again in working order, and cuz I opened my mail to find a birthday card from my mum 🙂 yay. And after the meeting and dinner and such tonite, I can just come home and SLEEP until I feel like getting up. Hopefully that will help out with this still-present headache. I think it’s a tension headache. I just want it to go away. Yick.

I wish I could think of something to do for Jay to help him feel better. :/

Ah well. Gonna have some pudding, see if that will help my head. It almost feels like a sinus thing. I hope not.

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