Errors and thoughts in stanza form

Everytime I post an entry, I get "There was an error on this page. Please try again and if you continue to have this problem, please contact us via the ‘help menu’." Yet the entry still posts. Curiouser and curiouser.

Last night was another slow night. I only have 2 nights on the next schedule. Boo. But it’s still enough to pay the bills, so I guess that’s ok. I finished the first Harry Potter book and started on the second. I’m 26% through it. 🙂 I love my Kindle Fire. It’s kind of ridiculous how much. Isn’t there a commandment about that? Or something….thou shalt not covet material possessions…But I love it anyways. And I keep finding more and more reading material on the discs K sent me. I’ve been hopping around my apartment all morning, cuz everytime I search, I find what I’m looking for, lol!! So exciting 🙂 It’s nice to be reading again. It had been a struggle, the last few years, to make it thru even one book a month for book club, I think because of the depression. So it’s a nice mixture of time (the job) and gadgets (the kindle) that’s gotten me reading again. Yay!

I wrote more last nite. I know none of these pomes are very good. They’re mostly just my thoughts in stanza form….


I wonder what it must be like
to have a light shone in your face
every twelve minutes all through the night.
Of course, I’ve had the experience –
being checked at regular intervals,
making sure my breath was present still-
but only for a few days’ time, not
for months and years on end.
How does it feel, having all of your
clothes marked with names and initials
so staff can tell standard issue khakis and
identical blue sweatshirts apart.
It must take a certain kind of strength
to survive under everyone else’s rules,
so much structure that even your pee
breaks are timed to the second.

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There’s other stuff on there, stuff I dl’d & converted that’s maybe not so ‘well known’. So keep digging. Or maybe I should send you the list of what is on mine so you can compare though I’m the same. I still haven’t gotten through all of the stuff. Running the Books comes to mind though.

About a prison librarian. I haven’t read it yet, it’s on my “to read”. Umm… All the Beautiful Forevers? Something like that? …I need to look at MY list! 🙂 Katherine Boo maybe. That just looked interesting.

I’m getting those same errors and multiple postings and nothing is showing up in bookmarks anymore. Your last two entries did not. I just happened to pop on over here.