Enter omniscient monkey, right on que.

Eh. Watching Lion King 1 1/2 with RB right now. So far today I’ve seen the last half of Spy Kids as well as Cats & Dogs. I did convince/drag him outside for an hour or so earlier. And we went and dropped some movies off, and then I took him to my apt to see my snake. hehe. He enjoyed that. But then he wanted to watch another movie. So I said one more. lah.

Last nite M and I went to the city and saw a really great play. We went to dinner at a kewl restaraunt. Tho. I dunno. Over $100 for a 2 person dinner? I’d never, ever be able to live like that. Even if I could afford to. But, it was pretty exsquisite (it occurs to me I’ve never had to spell that word before? Or at least never spelled it correctly).

Lah. Don’t feel much like writing apparently. *sigh*

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J & I had dinner once (on his Dad, he MADE us go–gave us his credit card & said we HAD to eat there at least once–f’real) …Manny’s in Minneapolis, MN. (or maybe it’s actually in St. Paul, but y’know) Anyway… I think that our meal was over $100… like between 100-150. UGH! Yeah, even if I HAD money to burn I don’t think I’d burn it on meals like that regularly. Even though it was really

really good. 🙂