
So. I had just hung up the phone with the psych center, cuz Carolyn- the gal covering for Grace while she’s on vaca- had her gallbladder removed on Saturday, yet still came in to work this morning. I was there when she came in (Grace’s shift is 5a-2p, ish) and she looked like hell warmed over. So, even tho I had just worked all nite, I told her I’d come in later in the day to help get them caught up, and that she should go home. Erm. Anyways. So, yeah, we had this all figured out and stuff and then around 10am, while I’m SLEEPING, cuz, ya know, I just WORKED all nite, Chrissy, the idiot nursing supervisor, calls and is like “can you help Carolyn and Julieanna out this week??”

*rolls eyes* Yes. Told her I’d be in later (I planned on going in around 4, cuz Julieanna usually leaves around 430, and the dr’s are usually gone by then, so I can get most of my work done without having to deal with idiots. Er, NOT that Julieanna is an idiot– but it’s just easier to work in the office by myself cuz then we don’t have to always be switching computers and stuff.) *Anyways* I called in around 4, to see what was up and how many tx plans probably needed to be completed and such. And told Julieanna I’d be in today and that I could put in a full day tomorrow too.

As I was hanging up, my phone rings. Says it’s J’s mobile. Which I thought was really, really odd, since I haven’t heard from J in almost a week, since I replied to an email she sent me and then she didn’t respond. Which. I thought was odd, for her. Cuz generally I’m not met with silence as far as she’s concerned. Well. Wait, yes I am. heh. But not usually via email. But, whatever. I just assume that it was the only way she was able to wash her hands of me, which is what I was asking her to do in the first place.

ANYWAYS. So. I thought it was odd she was calling me. Especially since I’m pretty sure she’s on vaca at the moment.

Well, turns out it wasn’t her, rather it was the lady at SS- the one I was playing phone/job tag with earlier in the summer. But I had the # programmed into my phone as J’s 2nd cell, cuz it’s her therapy office #.

So. Long story long, I apparently have a full time job starting the last week of August?

It’s with an elementary school-aged kid at a school about 10 miles (20 mins) from here. Which. After the last TSS job was over, I had mostly decided that I wasn’t capable of mornings. Tho hopefully the elem. school starts later than the last HS I was at. Plus, it’s a little bit closer. I *almost* asked if she had any kids at the school that’s about 2 minutes from where I live but…*shrugs* beggars can’t be choosers, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and all that jazz. She apparently had a kid already picked out and such, so.

I think the fact that I’m not having to face HS every day will help. I’m bound to feel more useful in the elementary setting than I did in the HS setting with my previous TSS kid. I guess we’ll see.

So. 35hrs a week full time. With benefits (I think). August 17th is some sort of training thing, and then a company picnic. And then school starts the last week of August.

Honestly, I’m not sure why I said yes. At this point, I’d almost rather work at EnP and not deal with the stress of having to be Responsible. Well, not that being a waitress or whatever doesn’t require responsibility. But. *shrugs* Any lapses in responsibility wouldn’t greatly affect any specific person’s life like it does with TSS.


My sister also called earlier. Apparently she’s sending me $ to pay for the speeding ticket I got on the way home from her house? Not sure why, but she said her husband suggested it, so. And who am I to argue.

Well. I should get my arse in gear and get in to the psych center and get started on the tx plans that are due. wee.

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July 30, 2007

wonderful for the job!!

You strike me as the kind who can be responsible when she needs to be. I hope this works out well for you. No worries. =o)

Um, I think I’ve responded to all of your e-mails (at least those that aren’t trying to pick a fight), although sometimes have responded on OD. If I haven’t, that’s just an oversight.

August 10, 2007
