
Apparently this morning after taking a lunesta and before going to bed, I did two things. I emailed J. And I wrote a page in my journal. I should scan the journal page and post it. eheh. The messed up thing is…I remember emailing J, cuz I started that before the stuff kicked in (I had hoped to start and *finish* before it kicked in, but that didn’t happen, apparently). But I have absolutely NO recollection of writing in the journal. AND I wrote in red pen. Which…there are a bunch of pens always on my desk, but rarely a red one. The red one generally stays in the pen holder next to the desk hidden in with all of the other pens so that I can’t findit when I need it. But apparently this morning I decided that I needed it.

I do remember laying down in bed tho. Turning on my cd player. Hearing about the first 10 seconds of the guided imagery cd I made from a session w/ J, and then I must’ve fallen asleep.

So. The stuff works. It puts me to sleep and it sort of sinks in without me noticing it. However. Of course, I went to bed at like, 930am and was awake at aboug 2pm I think? So I dunno why I can’t just stay asleep and get a full “night’s” sleep. Cuz I’m certainly not refreshed or in the mood to be awake just 4 or 5 hours after I fall asleep. I am able to fall back asleep pretty quickly most of the time, at least.

Work last nite was pretty standard. Much, much quieter than the last nite that I had worked. Tho there was BUNCH of shite on the kids’ side to check in, as it was crazy busy the nite before and no one had gotten to it. Wee. Hopefully tonite will be just as slow. Or, the same pace I guess, since I pretty much worked steadily all nite and wasn’t sitting there bored out of my mind for hours on end, yet wasn’t overwhelmed with the amt of work that needed to be done. So. Yay.

Of course I have the 4th off. But of course this town does the fireworks on Sunday, tonite. Tho it occurs to me that they’ll prolly be done and over with by the time it’s time for me to -go- to work. hmm.

I started getting a headache last nite and it’s not gone away yet. :o/

Going back to bed for a few hours maybe…

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July 2, 2005

How long is Lunesta supposed to work for? I was on something for sleep a couple of yrs ago, that worked great putting you to sleep, but didn’t help you with staying asleep. The info said you needed to pick a time when you could sleep 7-8hrs, but my Dr later told me that it really only works for about 3 hrs to help put you to sleep and stay asleep for only couple of hrs.

I hope your head feels better. I completely forgot about the fireworks. And most of the good displays around here were last night. =o(

July 3, 2005
July 3, 2005

it’s always a weird feeling to realize you did something and you don’t remember it at all…the lunesta commercials are so pretty…as are most of the drug commercials…I want to live in that world, with lots of wildflowers and pretty butterfies and perfect sleepiness