*edit2* I’m dreaming of a white easter…**edit**

So, I’m supposed to have this gallery show in April. Which is….8 days away. And I have ONE picture printed. heh. This is in part due to lack of funds, but also due to laziness and procrastination on my part.

Last nite I went thru all the files on this comp and flagged possibles. Ended up with 130ish. Only need 15 to 20. 30 max, I’d say.

So here are the goals within the goal: (not necessarily in order)
-go thru the 130ish I’ve picked so far and weedle it down more
Ok, down to 61ish, tho there are a few- 1 in particular- that must be on the other comp. UGGGGH. I should just let it go, since I already have twice as many as I need and it’s gonna be a pain in the arse to hook up the other comp….

-tweak chosen ones in photoshop if needed

-go thru cd of photos from other computer and see if I want any from there (they are mostly from the old camera, so quality isn’t as good, but there are a few that I remember really liking anyways) of course, the ones I had in mind are from the TWO MONTHS NOT on the frikkin cd…..
Just gonna go with the ones I already have, since the ones I was thinking of don’t go with the theme, which seems to be (not surprisingly…) bugs and flowers.

-further weed out unwanted ones (gonna take a cd of the 60 or so I’ve narrowed it down to so far over to LeeLy’s tomorrow and see what they think. Nervous about that. After staring at all of my pics for hours and days, I’m convinced that they suck way more than I thought and that no one’s gonna want to see them and everyone is gonna be like “why the hell would someone hang this crap on the wall….” heh.)
Ok, 60 down to 45, Yaaay!!!

-tweak again (don’t think I’ll actually need to tweak anymore, except maybe file aspect dpi yadda yadda ratio…)Actually, I do need to tweak some more, on the recommendations of the folks who critiqued my stuff today….

-weed some more
-final tweaking/weeding
-load finalists to deviantart.com (not the cheapest service I’ve found, BUT not the most expensive either. And I can pay via paypal. AND the quality is the best of the ones I’ve tried so far.)
Oh, I got some printed at Wally Worlds 1hr developing– MUCH nicer quality than the instant ones. Will get the 8×10’s done there, but they don’t have much in the way of size options, so will depend on DA for the bigger ones….

-pray I have enough $$ in my account to pay for order! heh.
Wish I could figure out how to put a “Donate to me” paypal button on here. I keep trying, but OD eats part of the code and so it screws it up :/

The goal is to get them loaded and ordered by Sunday, so they can be approved and shipped sometime next week. Tho, I have Monday off, so if I run out of time today/tomorrow, at least there’s that….
Ok, so I’ve at least got it wheedled down a fair bit. And I have several that I can start framing, which I’m gonna do tomorrow. Yay!! Hopefully I don’t cut and/or saw a finger off in the process….

Other things to do this weekend:
-write up progress notes and turn them in by 8am Monday
-update Arts Council website
-finish listing cards on eBay

Of course, I also have to cut mats and make frames for ALL of the prints still. heh. Which I can hopefully at least make the frames/ cut the glass once I have the pics ordered and know how many/what sizes I will have. The mats I won’t probably be able to cut until I have the pics, cuz of colours and stuff.

Tho, I might be able to do some mats before hand, at least for b&w pics. I’ll have to ask Hill. (She’d be the one who taught/is teaching me how to do framing)

Gee, I really should update more often….heh.

I keep saying that, don’t I?

In other news: day before easter, and the snow plow just went chugging by, on account of the 2 inches we got last nite. *rolls eyes* Good thing Jesus’ cave isn’t around here. Don’t think that loincloth would keep his naughty bits from frostbite too well……

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** giggling ** at the frostbite comment. hee hee I’d love to see some of your pics! =)

Are you putting it in your OD Editor setting? That’s where I think it needs to be to work. You are limited in the number of characters you can put there, but you don’t have anything else there, so you should be okay with putting the PayPal code there.

Oh, and I wanted to say that when you’ve been looking at your own work for so long, it kind of loses it’s appeal. I think that’s just natural. I know I’ve come across some things I’ve done and before remembering that it was something I did, I found myself saying, “That’s really cool.” Then the realization hits and I think, “Wow! I remember thinking this was a pretty poor piece of work.” Perspective. It’s a good thing. =)

I never thanked you for the compliment about my voice awhile back. You should have seen how it made me blush. =o)

RYN: I haven’t been to your front page in a while. Gorgeous pics!!!!! Wow! About the PayPal code, your note reminded me that sometimes I have to copy codes into Word, then copy them from Word and put them in my OD Editor. I have no idea why it makes a difference, but some codes wouldn’t work for me unless I did that. It’s worth a shot! =) Hope it works for you.

Ha! I read “so will depend on DA for the bigger ones….” and was like “WTF??”

March 26, 2008

will we see all the pics? i want to.