dr’s again….

Well, looks like I’ll be back to the dr’s office again this week. Not my thumb tho- it’s not broken or anything, and the swelling is gone, so it only hurts if I touch certain spots or bend it too far (which I think is mostly due to the scab/scrappage on the skin, rather than any internal bruising or damage)

Work today was….like being back at the psych center. Tho, it is every day, to a certain degree. But today. Well, Growlie was just Growlie. Nothing new or excessively out of the ordinary for him. But another kid- the one I worked with yesterday, actually…I’ll call him TOB (for the other boy) totally went off today. We ended up restraining him for at least 10 minutes, if not longer (it felt like an hour, but it couldn’t’ve been that long…)

And I think I pulled my shoulder muscle again, like I always end up doing in restraint situations. *sigh* Thankfully, my dr is also the dr who we are s’posed to go to for worker’s comp issues. So weeee.

I was kinda worried, after the fact, about the fact that I initiated the restraint. But he was going after students. Plus, he’s at least with the same agency as I am (I probably would not have been as involved if it had been another kid, but I dunno.) and, I guess years of training just kicked in and I took charge when it was apparent that his TSS was sort of at a loss as to what to do. Which I don’t mean in a negative way AT ALL! I think she was handling the situation to the best of her ability, and I think that she was doing a good job of it and not doing anything to escalate him any more than he already was– just that I don’t know that she was expecting him to get so violent and so her mind was probably racing as to “ack! what should I do? how do I do it?” and my mind just kinda kicked in to Code Situation Mode. I think next time she’ll be better prepared. That first one’s always rough. (Not that they necessarily get any easier. But I guess I’m desensitized enough to putting kids in restraints that I can act first and think later.)

Thankfully, Tuesday is the day L comes to the classroom for me and my kiddo, so she arrived later that afternoon. She came in and I was like “we need to talk, in the hall.” and she came out and I just asked for a big hug, lol. One of the perks of working for/with one of your good friends!! I felt MUCH better after that.

And originally I didn’t think I had hurt anything, tho TOB did bend my fingers back (including the already sore thumb). But the more the day has gone on, the sorer my neck/shoulder has gotten. Ugh.

I’m wondering if I should call and make an appt with the dr tomorrow- she prolly won’t be able to see me til Thursday- or if I should just go over to the ER now. Last time this happened I don’t think she had me get x-rays. I just feel stupid, going in there twice in one week. But I’d also feel kind of dumb going to the ER when I’m not really having an -emergency- per se.


Not to mention, the cell phone I got from the mall is dead, so I can’t even call anyone to ask for advice. doublegrrrrr.

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Eek! I’d err on the side of going to the ER. I wouldn’t want to make matters worse by waiting and I certainly wouldn’t want to be in pain. This counts as a worker’s comp. claim, doesn’t it? Since it happened on the job. You shouldn’t have to pay anything. Big hugs.

You’re going to the doctor but your thumb isn’t? I didn’t realize it was detachable. When you say TOB was “going after the other students,” what was he doing?