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OOH, I love thunderstorms, but I always unhook my computer because I’m afraid it will get fried. That has happened to me at work twice!!!

June 4, 2007

we had storms here today too. we need to build you a plastic rain bubble. 🙂 xoxo *~

RYN: Echo, you’re not dense. You get it. You really do. Our diaries ARE our voices. You don’t have to spell it out to be yourself and reveal who you are. Honestly, that entry was a test, to see if any of my readers or faves were stupid enough to celebrate that I was changing my diary style or my voice. I’m very grateful to have you as a reader.

June 4, 2007

Yeah, water in a digital camera is as bad as water in a mechanical watch.

June 4, 2007

Just flick the lights off and on really quick while snapping some shots. *grin*

Do you have on overhang to stand under? Or maybe, just turn off the lights in your apt and shoot out the window.