dream dream dream, dre-ee-ee-ee-ee-eeeam

I had another dream about living in the old house. Except this time like, it was still my apartment? I still lived upstairs and the people below me still lived downstairs, kind of. So it wasn’t the -whole- house. Just, again, the nice living room and the dining room that was actually the ‘computer room.’

This time, the neighbors were fighting really loudly with their daughter, and she was really screaming back at them. I had been sleeping, but it woke me up so I was kind of dozing in bed and then I hear a knock at the bedroom door and the neighbor (she was “Jen” I think?) girl was like “…would you….would you mind going for a walk with me?” And it was very early, like the sun had just risen. I said “I’d love to” sleepily and I got up and got ready.

We walked downstairs and it was my old front porch, and her parents were sitting at the little table that Elmer always sat at to smoke and stuff and they smiled those superficial smiles that like…I dunno. Pretending they weren’t all angry with their kid and that everything was fine. And the mum was like “Oh, going for a walk, huh?” And I was just like “Yeah.” in kind of a duh tone. And as we were going down the stairs, the dad was like “Good. Maybe -then- you’ll rethink things a little….” (said to the girl) And I just kinda looked at him and was like “Uh…don’t count on it…” Cuz I figured, I guess, that I probably wouldn’t side with him.

Anyways. So we took a walk and it was really nice out. Oh. But before the walk and before going downstairs, I was upstairs getting ready- we were in H’s room then, and it was kind of Jen’s room, but not? I dunno. And I put on this yellow coat, and Jen was like “That’s mine!…but you can wear it if you want…” and she was really quiet and soft-spoken cuz, just as in real life, we hadn’t talked more than a few times ever. So her knocking on my door was a complete surprise to me. So. I had the jacket on and it was kind of constricting and then I put my backpack on. And it’s weird, but in the dream it felt so solid, like I could feel exactly how it felt in real life sometimes, when I had a large book and stuff in it and I was wearing a big coat…how it makes ya feel all constricted and stuff.

I guess by the time we got downstairs I didn’t have the backpack on anymore? Not sure. At any rate. We went for the walk and I dunno what we talked about but then we were suddenly back in the house, in my ‘apartment’ but I’m not sure what part of the house it was in this time, as it was actually more like J’s school office. At least, just the wall we were sitting against was, cuz we were sitting on the floor leaning against the wall talking. We were in ‘my’ room tho, cuz there were flags hanging on the wall and before they had been rainbow flags, but now they were just blue with some sort of writing on them.

Anyways. So I was like “So. Pretty big fight ya had this morning huh?” And she looked down and was embarasses and was like “You heard, word for word probably…” “No” I said “I can usually hear the fighting, but I turn up my stereo so I can’t hear what’s actually being said. But this morning you really screamed back. You don’t usually do that…”

And then I guess we talked some more but I dunno about what. And then she pointed out the stitching on something she had in her hands and was like “Look, it could almost be pflag…see, here’s the p…” and I couldn’t really see it in the thing she was holding. I could kind of make out the P when she pointed it out. But I was like “So. Uhm…you’re ok with that kind of stuff? Cuz I’m obviously….well, I mean, just look!” And I pointed to the wall where the rainbow flags were and then I was like “Oh! heh. Well, I guess I don’t have them up today, but usually I have rainbows there and stuff. I’m definately a lesbian.”

And she was apparently ok with that and then I was like “So. What about your parents, are they ok with it too?” And she just kinda shrugged and sighed, and I’m not sure if she gave any other response except “Oh, you know…”

And then we were talking about school or something, I was like “So. Are you a junior? or a senior?” And she was like “No! I’m a sugar!” And I was totally confused. I was like “A sugar?” “Yeah, you know” she said, “A freshman!!” And I was surprised and thinking ‘wow, she’s like, almost 20 years younger than me!’ (I was apparently older in my dream…)

And then I woke up.

I only ever remember my dreams when I have them in that twilight sleep kind of stage. lah.

I cleaned off my desk last night. AND did the dishes. AND finally cleaned Cordova’s tank. He’s a happy fishie again. Tho I didn’t put his little rock back in, so he has no where to hide. I didn’t feel like cleaning all of the algea and crap off of it last nite. I’ll do it today I guess.

But. Since it’s only 8am, I’m going back to bed. bleh. Tiiired.

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