Dream a little dream….

Ok. 2.22am and I’m awake. Wide awake. WTF is up with that? Considering I had been yawning for about 4 hours previous to going to bed. Anyways.

So. I just had a weird dream-ish thing. I rarely remember dreams that I have while I’m sleep-sleeping. But when I’m fading in and out in that weird half-dream state, I remember them. And they’re always weird. But this one scared me. Which is odd. I mean…like, I was laying in bed afraid of something. It’s not often that my dreams induce fear that sticks around after the dream is over.

Ok, so I was in my apartment, only it wasn’t exactly my apartment. It was a conglomeration of my apartment, the house that I grew up in, and mum’s last apartment. I was baking a pie. Yeah. A pie. It was, oddly enough, for Return of the Sith. I say odd because I’ve not seen the movie and have no desire to do so. My only connection to Star Wars is RB’s obsession over them, and even then, he’s obsessed over the originals. At least, those are the ones he has seen.

So. Yeah. A pie. That someone (anakin maybe?) has to have in order to be safe from the sith. (What the hell is a sith? Is it a person? An army of people? A disease?) Somehow, the pie has to be fed to the sith, only in my dream it was more like the pie had to be thirsted to the sith. As in…I dunno. It wasn’t liquid, and they didn’t have to drink it I don’t think, but in my dream it was associated with thirst and not with hunger or eating. Anyways. I was making this pie and I was scared cuz I didn’t want them/it coming to my apt, and I needed to have it finished in time to take it downstairs, because someone lived down there- a good guy, but not Yoda I don’t think. But someone high in command? And I wanted to take it there so *he* could give it to them. But I was worried that they would break in to my place anyways (thru the windows, in their little black ships.)

And then H was there. And she had the baby and she was carrying him and he somehow peed on her a little? Or maybe she was carrying the cat and it did. Anyways. She needed diapers and wipes, so I gave them to her. Then she was changing him. Then…ugh…I can’t remember this part? It was later and I came back in and I dunno if I asked if he was sleeping or if he was feeling better or what. But. Then she was laying down on the couch to sleep. Only for some reason I had three couches in my apartment, in a U shape. And the living room, where the couches were, is actually where my bedroom should be, and my bedroom was on the other end. And they were mum’s couches. Actually, mum gave one of them to H in real life, but she still has one. And the couches were all mushed together, like there was barely enough room to walk between the two that were facing each other. (reminiscent of mum’s apartment, where there was way too much furniture.)

And I asked H if she needed another blanket and she was like “you don’t HAVE another blanket!” And I was like “of course I do!” And I handed her one off the couch that made the…bottom of the U. And then I pointed to the blanket on the couch where I was, which is her cow blanket, and I was like “there’s this one too if you need it” And she just kind of did her laugh/eye roll thing and was like “You have to have all of those blankets, cuz your pajamas are so hard!

And then I think I was trying to lay down, but I didn’t want to fall asleep cuz I was still making the pie. And then I was eating the crust and it was really good. And I scooped it out and some accidentilly fell in a basket by the stove. Oh, and the stove was the stovetop that was in the house that I grew up in….it’s one of those Corning Cookwear ones that is flat, like, the burners are inside? So it’s just a flat piece of…whatever material it’s made of. I was still worried about the sith things and wanting to get the pie out of the house.

And then I was kind of awake, for real, and scared for some reason?? I even got up and locked my door.

I hate that feeling….anxious and afraid, especially with no reason. I dunno. I prolly can’t sleep cuz it’s relatively warm in my apt tonite. Or it’s cuz of the allergy meds I took *grrr* Which I took not because my allergies were horrible, but just because I’ve had a headache for a few days and I decided that the headache, plus the itchy eyes that I thought were itchy from the eyedrops at the optometrist, plus the yucky itchy nose…and the realization that the headache wasn’t a tension headache or a beginning-of-a-migraine headache made me think it might be allergies. And I thought I’d take some meds before so that they wouldn’t get so bad that I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonite. Ironic, no?

*sigh* I shoulda taken the benedryl, cuz that generally knocks me out pretty good. but it was midnite before I got home and got settled and remembered to look for allergy meds, and I was afraid it would zonk me out for too long, and I have to babysit again tomorrow, as well as work tomorrow nite. So I took…aleve allergy? Or maybe it was aleve cold and sinus? Since the headach is sinusy. I dunno. But it wasn’t benedryl. And now I’m all awake. But tired. *GRRR*

But, not so afraid. So I can at least lay down and *try* to go back to bed. lah.

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June 5, 2005

dreams can be so scarey. i seldom remember dreams, too. liquid pie eh?

June 5, 2005

decongestants = wake you up antihistamines = make you sleepy

a sith is like a jedi. it’s a way of life. -bc

I hate bad dreams… I had a REALLY scary one a few nights ago as I thought about watching The Saw… Then I fell asleep & had a dream that someone had abducted the kids & Owen was protecting Heather & cut the bad people into bits with the new saw that his Daddy just got him. I was so horrified when I found them that I sent them outside & wrapped all the parts up in plastic grocery bags… I

woke up doing that gasping for breath thing… haven’t had one that bad in a long time. FSHEW!