Doodlebug Surprise

la. Work was eh last nite. But I saw KD this morning, so that made me really happy. Came home and saw it was Saturday. Which means Farmer’s Market day. Last week I saw J there. Tho I was just riding by. And today I was standing there and all of a sudden a smile pops up under my elbow. Doodlebug! I asked if her mum was there and she said No! Can it be that she’s old enough to roam the neighborhood alone????

Yes, it can. *sigh* I mean, it’s a good thing. Just….wow.

I babysat them last nite. Well, mostly just RB. We watched Cheaper By The Dozen cuz he seemed tired or sad or something. Then we picked DB up at the pool- walked there with RB and Dixie. Poor kid, her lips were seriously blue when I picked her up!

I was talking with RB as we walked there, he was telling about Basketball Camp and how he didn’t even know why DB went “cuz she’s like, the best basketball player I ever seen!” 🙂 And we saw a daddy long legs. And I showed him how ivy clings to walls, cuz he didn’t know how. It was a nice walk.

And DB asked me to stay for a few extra songs, too, which was nice. She’s getting big. But not too big. 🙂

M had a shitty day. *sigh* I wish I could just make it all better for her. I’d give anything. *doublesigh* I say we just harvest the sperm from all suitable males and then execute them. Or ship them to some stupid island with no possible means of escape. Maybe we can seperate them. The nicer, more decent ones can go to an island with a good food supply and drinkable water. Maybe even wireless internet. That’s all they need. They can be gay together, so they don’t even have to be deprived of sex.

Then, women can start fresh with the new generation of boys that come about. And all kids, everywhere, will be able to choose….like…like how some women probably wouldn’t want to be stripped of their burqua’s (the robes they wear in the middle east, etc), so they wouldn’t be forced. But new generations would be taught that it’s not *mandatory*, that it’s optional. I mean. Some things….genital mutilation and such…would prolly need to go. Or at least be done in safe, humane ways. And still, it should be a choice. An educated choice. An informed decision.

Sure, I’m sure there would still be some crime, wars, bad things. But not on the same high scale level. Hopefully not with the same….brutality. Not as widespread, anyways.

I don’t necessarily think women are the superior gender (ok, maybe I do. But I don’t believe that I’m 100% correct in thinking that way, at least.) But in general they’re less violent.

Maybe I just need to find that island with the good food supply, drinkable water, and wireless internet and go live there myself? *sigh*

Anyways. I bought eggs this morning. Not totally organic, but almost. ? lol. I was like “whatever…” Amish eggs.

I ended up staying late at work, too. To cover for a kid who never showed up. bleh. But eventually they decided they could run with 5 staff and so I left. Wee. Babysitting again tonite- gonna go see the show. M’s in it, I’m taking the kids. 🙂


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you misandrist! 🙂

June 17, 2006

but it is so inborn…we would have to kill the little boys to take them to the island too. awwwwww, they like puppies, so cute when they are young. i just think we are stuck with all of them. but women tend to rise above it. heheheheh i have a diarist named doodlebug that i read all the time i thought it was about her. hahaha

…women so *are* the superior generation… 😉

…generation? God. 🙂 GENDER… (stayed up too late last night & had a few drinks. I’m feelin’ pretty toopid this morning. :D)

“all of a sudden a smile pops up under my elbow” is one of my favorite phrases in a long time. But **sniff sniff** you’d send **sniff** send **sniff** me away?? **sniff sniff** =o(

June 17, 2006

nice idea…

June 19, 2006

Have you ever read Brave New World by A. Huxley? It’s interesting in the theory of choosing ideal breeding people, LoL, although it’s different in the regards that women are treated like meat. BUT, it’s ideal and life is actually very happy. It’s an interesting read, and not offensive like I probably made it out to be, LOL. It’s really good and I highly suggest it!!