Do a little bit of this, do a little bit of that..

I’ve been to many weddings. Well. Not that many. But a few. I never realized, until M informed me, that the Chicken Dance and Hokey Pokey were not standard wedding reception dances. I do have to say, there was no Hokey Pokey at Aj’s aunt’s wedding. There was, however, a polka! *grin* And there was the chicken dance. I never realized the chicken dance had words. But apparently it does. Who knew?! And there was also the Electric Slide. Fun times.

Talked to H a bit ago. Baby is better, much better. He tolerated the second try with the imunnoglobulin therapy, after they diluted it more and slowed the rate down a whole lot. So. The rash is gone, eyes are no longer vampyre-like, fever and diarrhea and vomiting are all gone, and he’s toddling around and playing. So that is good. He should be going home tomorrow.

AJ left today. *sigh* I cried again, alot. I feel so horrible, cuz I can’t stop the tears and it makes her feel bad to have to leave when I’m like that and. UGH. Oh well. It was a good weekend with her, despite all the stuff with Z. I’m glad she was here. She left me her jade turtle bracelet that she got in China. *smiles*

Ugh. I have to get ready for work. Boohiss.

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July 31, 2005


July 31, 2005

i have vowed to not have any stupid dances at my wedding. yes, they’re fun, and yes, I should pull the stick out of my ass, but no. although it is always fun to see the various grandmothers attempting YMCA. i’m glad the baby’s doing better–it’s so scary to see little kids sick. *lots of hugs* for having to say bye to AJ

I swear I’ve been reading & then I start to skim backward as I realized I didn’t recall “hearing” how the sweet boy was doing… and there’s all these entries about weddings & flowers &… I’m SO (not) observant!! 🙂 I’m glad to hear he’s doing better. (he looks so dang cute in his birthday pics!! 🙂