Diet Mug Root Beer


Gee. It only took me about 10 hours before I caved in and shelled out the $12 for a half year subscription. *rolls eyes* Mostly it’s because I was paying my bills just now and realized that I will never, ever be able to pay off my credit card. So why not just keep adding to it!!! I know, BAD idea. :op

I had kind of planned on staying in all day and playing with my new animals, but that didn’t happen. Before I picked them up, I went over to M’s to mow and straighten up the house. Only to find that someone had already mowed! hrmph. I was kinda looking forward to trying to figure out how to use the push mower. I found, while at my sisters house in NC, that I really enjoyed mowing the lawn, tho there it was a riding mower. But, anyways. Someone mowed. But I straightened the house up, even tho it really wasn’t very bad. And I folded some laundry and matched up some socks. lol. Why do I enjoy matching socks? It’s like algebra. I hate to start and I feel like I’ll never get the right answer, but I enjoy working on the puzzle. Something like that….

Then I got the animals and got home and shortly afterwards Wolfie msg’d me saying he was bored. I asked him if he was any good at building things, or designing them. I didn’t really get an answer, but I invited him over. (I am in desperate need, now, of a lid for the hugeass tank.) He and Kat came over and we watched some Strangers With Candy which is a majorly fucked up show written and starring Amy Sedaris. It is so wrong in so many ways. But soooo hilarious. He left me one of the dvd’s here, so in a little while I’m gonna go in and clean all the junk that’s accumulated in the tank while I watch a few episodes.

Any how. I made us some food, and then we decided that it was such a lovely day that we should go partake in the nature of the area. So we went out to the forest and to the river and hopped/waded out to some rocks and just hung out for a bit. On the way back to shore, we saw a porcupine! Actually at first Kat was like “it’s a coon!” and we were gonna run cuz on our way to the forest, we think we saw a rabid coon. Cuz it didn’t move as the car got near it, it just stood on it’s hind legs and stared at us. Anyways. Then I was like “No. It’s a beaver or something…” cuz it didn’t have a coon face. And as it waddled away I realized it was a porcupine!!! So I chased after it to try to get a picture, but you can’t really tell what it is in the pic, and at one point it noticed me following it and bristled itself all up, so I decided to live without a picture, and we made our way back to the car!

They dropped me off and I came in and paid bills and played with snakie-poo. I can’t decide if I should rename him or not. I finally remembered what the bearded dragon’s name is– Snookums. aka Satan. I will definately NOT be calling her snookums. I might be able to live with “rocky” for the snake. Dunno.

While Kat and Wolfie were here, Grace called me. Apparently there’s a rumour going around work that we “had some words” with each other. *raises an eyebrow* I was like uhm….I don’t remember having any words with you??? And she didn’t either. Which is why she called me. The furked up part of it is that it was the HR director who brought this up. In the MIDDLE of a tablefull of people!!! WTF?? I swear to gawd that place has no concept of professionalism. Anyways. I’m glad Gracie called me and talked to me about it, cuz I would’ve hated her to be mad at me for something that never happened. And apparently the CEO was in today. Grace said she didn’t get to meet him, but that apparently he and Dr B met, and Dr B wasn’t pleased. So. *envisions the shit hitting the fan reaaaaal soon*

So. Bills. Right. I have paid half of them. And I can pay the other half. But it won’t leave me enough for rent. But hopefully I think I get paid from the school on Friday, tho it will only be about $120. But still. That should eek me by until the next Friday, which will be money from the psych center. Oi vey. This is really not fun…

Ball pythons are apparently very active at dawn and dusk. They weren’t kidding either! He’s just slithering up and down and around. I had him out for about half an hour, just holding him and stuff. *giggolz* It’s kinda…not scary but….I’m waiting for him to like, lunge for my jugular or something. Even tho he’s a python and they generally squeeze things to death, not bite them. Still!

Most of the herp people I’ve spoken to online have said that a 20gal is ok for him to live in. Actually, half said it was, half said it wasn’t. But *all* agree that the bearded dragon needs at least a 75 gallon tank. So. That’s settled. She will go in the hugeass tank, and the snake will reside in the 20gal.

So here’s the plan….

Bearded dragon goes into the big empty tank. Alix goes into the beardeds old tank. Snake goes into Alix’s old tank. Mobius possibly goes in to snakes old tank, if it holds water. Mobius’ old tank remains empty, to be used as temporary holding tank whenever other tanks need cleaned or whatnot.

I shall do all of that tomorrow. wOOt!!


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Ok, this’ll sound crazy, but I think I may be wearing the same shirt that you have on in these photos. Same colors in the same design anyway. Mine’s a tee. What about yours? =o) Also, there’s something VERY therapeutic about mowing the lawn. It’s just enough work to keep you from totally zoning out, but also easy enough to let your mind wander.

May 26, 2005

so what do the cats say about that giant snake? i wonder if the snake looks at the cat as dinner??? yikes.

Thats cool you got a snake.

how come there’s no pic of the bearded dragon? and i love you but i won’t go nowhere near your pets. aaiieeeeee!!!!!! (i think this is how all my suppressed girly-girl’iness shows itself) -bc