Did Do List, 4pm **edit**

Ok, so far today I have:

-gotten the car removed that’s been sitting nonmoving for the last….8 months. (Ok, I didn’t really have much to do with the actual moving of it being specifically today, but it finally happened and it makes me feel much better, so.)

-hauled a bookshelf’s worth of books over to the new place

-moved a dvd case (as in, 5 foot tall wooden one, not just a little rack.) and aforementioned bookcase to new place

-stopped over at skewl and watched M rehearse a bit, and checked up on her to make sure she was doing ok

-got a gas card (from M) and then got a tank of gas and lunch at sheetz

-stopped and talked to the Arts Council president of this town and discussed the following:
—having my photographs displayed/for sale at his shop
—having the arts council help to bring Namoli Brennet back to town
—joining the arts council
—he told me of his hopes to bring Ani DiFranco -and- Alix Olson to town. I think I wet myself a little. !!!!!!

-formulated more of a PLAN for moving.
See, part of my slow going is not being really sure how to arrange the furniture. I mean, I’ve made diagrams and even a to-scale model with 3D furniture (wait, 3d is the one we live in, right??) but still, I’m not sure what the best arrangement would be. The problem is, the space is small and so to wait til all of the furniture is there and *then* arrange it won’t work very well. Not to mention a shortage of boxes. So I’d like to like, put the bookshelf where I want it, empty the 3 boxes of books on to it, and the refill the boxes with more stuff, etc.
My biggest hurtle (hurdle?) is the bed. It’s a day bed, so it’s not like it has a headboard and a foot board. Rather, the loooong side is also the tallest side. This is making it difficult to figure out where to put it in a room with slanted walls. heh. BUT. I’ve figured out what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna clean my bedroom (ie, shove everything on the floor into the bathroom) and pull the mattresses off. Then I’ll take the bed apart, take it to the new place, and set the frame up. That way I can still sleep here, but I can have the bed set up there. WoOt!!!! I was excited when I came up with that plan.

oooh, also, Jenn and Josh moved the old manual sewing machine out of the new place, and moved the big ass tv that was in ‘my’ corner over to where the sewing machine was.


I talked to my Megs today. She’s in labor, so it was an interesting conversation. She’s having contractions but not enough that the hospital will keep her. Eeep.

Ok. Off to shove things in to the bathroom, lol.

****edit, 844pm****
Drat, part of my plan has been foiled by…nature!! Thunderstorms– severe. As in, light posts down all over main street, no power in half the town, trees in the road. And in my parking lot! A tree snapped and brought down some wires with it. Eep.

In between getting myself trapped in M’s garage and the rain, I DID manage to get the bed frame to the new place. Unfortunately, there’s no power there, so I couldn’t do much past that.

Also unfortunately, there’s no power *here*, so there’s also not much I can do. I might hafta break in to season 5 of The X-Files and watch an episode. Tho I’m not sure my laptop battery will handle a whole episode….

Maybe I’ll just play Desktop Tower Defense til the battery dies and then go to bed. WoOt. lah.

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June 8, 2007

You ARE such a busy person!! lol

Oops, I misread the title. I thought it was going to be a Dildo List.

That’s exciting news about the arts council. Keep us up to date on how that goes. =o)

I make diagrams and mini-to-scale floor plans to! Are we weird or what? hee hee The Arts Council sounds awesome!