did do list, 11am **edit, 420pm!**

hot damn, I’m on a roll today. Maybe because I didn’t sleep last night? heh. I kept almost falling asleep and then JERKING back awake. It was rather annoying. Especially the time that Pandora was laying right next to me and I totally hit her 🙁 She flew away and into the other room and under the couch and I felt so bad I spent 20 minutes coaxing her out and petting her. I almost NEVER hit my cats, unless they’re chewing on toxic things or something, so it’s no wonder I freaked her out. Not to mention, she was fast asleep.

Anyways. So far today I have accomplished the following:

-2/3 of the dishes done
-dirty clothes put in hamper
-stairs and foyer vacuumed
-kitchen vacuumed
-kitchen mopped
-took the 5 boxes i packed last nite down to the foyer, in preparation of putting them in my car
-emptied the garbage
-listed a whole bunch of stuff on freecycle

JK will be here around 1130 to pick up her picture, and to take me to lunch!!! She is one of the most kind hearted people I’ve ever met, but she’s not the annoying sappy kind….she’s genuine and she even has a sense of humour! (As in, occasionally makes un-pc jokes and such). I’m looking forward to spending some QT with her 🙂

Right now I’m gonna go back to playing <a href="http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/&quot; Desk Top Tower Defense WoOt.

What I MEANT to say was that I was gonna go back to playing Desk Top Tower Defense WoOt.

And, lunch with JK was wonderful. Went to MC and had crab quiche! And some sort of tomato noodle type soup. And steamed chai. Not to mention lovely conversation! YUMMMMMMMM!

********end edit**********
And, for those of you with “Open Diary Plus Only” accounts….:( Can I have a reader’s password pleaaaaaaaase?!

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June 6, 2007

wow you get lots done. i certainly do not. hm.

June 6, 2007

ryn: not yet – but they are coming

June 6, 2007

Woot for un-PC jokes!

June 6, 2007
June 6, 2007

you can read me, right?

You’ve accomplished far more today than I have.