Debt and freedom and things

Last nite was my last nite at the psych center. WOOT!!!!! 2 weeks shy of 5 years at that place. And it feels SO FUCKING GOOD to be done with it, officially. No more keys, no more badge. All that’s left is to wait til that final paycheck is deposited.

I didn’t even cry! I was so damn giddy anytime someone brought it up. (I did cry last weekend a bit, cuz when it was time to go, Jeff gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek!! And I totally cried when I got in my car.)

Last nite Mary gave me a cake (like she has for every birthday 🙂 and her and Kathy gave me a cute card. Other than that, I wasn’t working with anyone I really was gonna miss! There was a newish girl on, who I think is rather cute. She used to work at MC, actually. And she seems to have a pretty good attitude and sense of humour and things. She was just working nights to help with staffing. I encouraged her to get out of that place ASAP.

Talked to Donna the other day. She seemed okay. Tho she really started crying at the end of the conversation. lah. I worry about her. I mean, I’m young and never planned on staying in that job forever. I have another job that I’m really enjoying. I’m healthy. She’s not so young and she doesn’t really want to stay in nursing, plus she doesn’t know that she would be able to find another nsg job anyways, cuz of her foot and stuff. She can’t do the physical stuff at the nursing homes anymore (she used to work in a nursing home forever before going to the psych center) and she’s used to sit down, paperworky jobs. She doesn’t know what she’s gonna do. Tho, I did talk to Jill last nite. Jill’s husband died a year ago (heh. And actually I called Jill the other morning to tell her she could come in a bit later to work cuz we didn’t need her to draw any labs. His voice is still on the answering machine, which freaked me out a tad.) and she and Donna have gotten to be pretty good friends. She did say that Donna might collect some widow’s benefits now. (Her husband died years and years ago, when her son was just a little boy. He’s my age. I half wish I were straight or bi, so I could marry him and be her daughter in law, lol….) And she’ll be retirement age in a year or two. So. But still. I worry. And, it makes me kinda angry, too. Cuz I think, ya know…she’s good people. She’s REAL GOOD people. She shouldn’t be in such a position. It’s not fair. I hate money and the problems it causes.

Speaking of money.

I was all excited earlier this week cuz my pay from SS and the psych center were direct deposited and it FINALLY brought my bank account out of the red and in to positive numbers. AND I was able to pay my car loan before they yelled at me for it being HORRIBLY late, and I was STILL in the positive (albeit single digit) numbers. Even after all of the “uncollected $30 fee” for the overdrafts I’ve been making were paid. And I was sooo excited about that, cuz it meant that with next paychecks, I’d actually only have the cellphone bill and a credit debt to pay. Which meant I could go and actually buy/do all of those non-necessity essentials I’ve been needing/wanting, like q-tips and cat litter that works and get the oil changed in my car and do laundry.

But then I checked my account later that night and discovered my account was back in the red. Cuz I had forgotten about the monthly automatically-deducted credit card payment. DAMNNNNN. But. Mum sent me a check and I had sent it in to be deposited on Saturday. So by Monday or Tuesday I should be in the positives again. And then next week I’ll get my last psych center check, and another SS check. So that should catch me ALL up. I’ll still be hugely in debt, but at least I’ll be able to make all my payments each month. *That* will be nice.

And. I’m going to be impulsive and spoiled….if I sell the two pieces I have on display at MC, I’m going to put that money aside and use it towards a new cd/dvd rom for my laptop. Cuz not having one is really getting to be a hassle. Yes, it’s something I could live without. It’s a HUGE luxury. But I’m spoiled and selfish, so.

I need to go write up my progress notes so I can turn them in before 8am tomorrow morning!

And finish the collage I started for Donna’s late birthday present. I’m going to also enter it in the art exhibit (this one is judged!!) for the autumn festival that’s coming up….it was originally going to be on a vase, but the pictures ended up being so big that they wouldn’t lay nicely on the vase. but I think it will turn out ok just as a wall hanging. Tho it’s proving to be difficult to glue down, due to the layers I’ve got going. Oh well. Notes first, then collage. Then glorious, glorious SLEEP.

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((hugs)) you. 🙂

September 9, 2007

hope everything is getting better for you

That’s a beautiful collage. Love the color in it. *sends good vibes your and Donna’s way*