Damnit Jim, I’m a writer not a doctor!

It’s interesting, sitting in my Craft of Poetry class…he generally gives us a choice of assignments and then we pick one and do that and turn it in. And on Thursday he was explaining that, ya know, we could *do* as many of them as we wanted, just that we only had to turn one in. I felt kind of geekish at that point, cuz I generally do do more than one. I saw some of my classmates give each other looks like “Why in gawd’s name would we do MORE than we had to???” And sometimes, I prolly would have that mentality. And certainly when my nursing load gets heavier, I will prolly stick to doing just the minimum. But. WHY do more than we have to? Because. I’m a writer. Because the assignments are good for generating ideas when I can’t think of things on my own. Because the more you write, the better (theoretically) you’ll get. Because it’s fun.

I suppose I see the class differently than some because for me, it really is just for fun. I have confidence enough in my writing abilities to know that if I at least make a small effort and be sure to turn in all the assignments, that I’ll get an A. And maybe that sounds egotistical of me but. I know what the prof likes. So when I can’t write something that I especially love, I at least know how to mold it into something he’ll give a check to (as opposed to a check minus).

It’s kinda like some of my psych classes….I don’t see them as classes I *have* to take. I see them as classes that I -get- to take. That I’m grateful for having the opportunity to take.

Yep. Definately a geek.

And proud of it. *grin*

Funny how perceptions change sometimes. I’m sure 4 years ago when I was an undergrad I woulda had the same look on my face as some of my classmates. But when you’re doing something for fun, when it’s your choice completely to do it…it makes it more enjoyable I guess.

Off to shower. And then to study. I’m actually finding the stuff I’m reading somewhat interesting. Hip, knee, and joint replacements. Maybe I am finding it interesting cuz H has had so many knee problems and it’s interesting to see what it is they did to -her- knees and stuff. Or maybe it’s just interesting.

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