
Still no power. Boo.
Heh. So, after not being able to sleep for however long it’s been since the last entry til now, I decided to take a seroquel. So I did.

And then while laying staring at the darkness above me, it occurred to me that my Dr gave me a strip of 25’s, and a few packs of 100’s, cuz it’s all she had. Generally, I had been taking 50mg at bedtime. Meaning, 2 of the 25’s. Well, tonite I didn’t want to crash too hard cuz I want to get up early and get to work on moving. So I only took one. Well, in the staring at the darkness bit, I remembered about the 100’s. heh. So much for not knocking myself out.

Being that it’s rather dark here, I didn’t check the package too thoroughly. Well, til 10 minutes later. Yep. I took one of the 100’s. Damn. I mean, it certainly won’t hurt me but when I first started on the seroquel, the first nite, I was fine and then all of a sudden I was sitting in a chair next to the nurses station cuz apparently I almost passed out on the floor. Ack.

Hopefully my body is more adjusted and so it won’t mess with me that bad. Not that i treally matters I guess, since I’m in bed and don’t plan on going anywhere.

Oop. Battery’s about to die on me. *sigh*


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I hate when the power goes out. It’s fine for about half an hour, then it sucks! ha ha

June 8, 2007
June 9, 2007

seroquel never worked for me… well… it *did*… it put me to sleep, but then i’d wake up feeling like i’d been hit by a semi and someone was pulling my stomach out with a fork…. hope you’re ok today. Love you. *hugs*