cut class, not frogs!

*sigh* RIP Alix. :o( (my froggie, not the slam poet…)

I HAVE to do laundry tomorrow, so that I have clothes to wear to work this week. bleurgh. I’m kind of scared about filling in for Grace for 2 whole weeks. I mean, I know I’m capable of doing the work. However. I do not know if I’m capable of keeping up with the work load. And I’m torn. She’s salary. She works from like, 530a-230p. 9 hours. Technically she’s supposed to take an hour break. But I know she never does. I’m not salaried, obviously, which means I have to punch in and out. The thing is, I’m not sure what hours to work. Cuz. Ok, generally, I work 11p-730a. Which is 8.5 hours. And then I mark that I took a break. Technically we are marked on the assignment sheet for getting 1 half hour break and 2 fifteen minute breaks (hah. I’ve not taken a 15 minute break since I started there :p) Which means I would have worked for 7.5 hours. I get paid for 8 hours. So. Being Grace…I KNOW I won’t get all the work done if I take an hour break. So. Do I punch in at 530 and work til 230, mark that I DID have a break, and and just not get paid for 30-45 minutes daily? Or do I punch in at 530 and punch out at 2 (8.5hrs), and mark that I had a break…Will that get me 8 hours or will they see it as 7.5??? UGH. I’ll have to talk to the payroll lady tomorrow. I don’t want to bring it up with the DON cuz chances are she’ll tell me I’m not allowed to come in as early as 530am (cuz then they hafta pay me a shift differential for a few hours…) and then I’ll be screwed. Cuz it’s impossible to get the work done if you come in much later than that. Grace used to actually come in earlier than that, but then they yelled at her and said she should work the same hours as the case manager on the RTF since they had the same title. (Except the jobs are TOTALLY different. RTF has a steady census, patients stay there for months and years, and they only ever have up to like, 25 or 28 kids or something. Their tx plans only require monthly updates. IP units have admits and discharges almost daily, and deal with up to 55 patients. Their tx plans require weekly updates.) So she had to modify her hours a little. So I don’t know if they *think* she comes in at 6 or what. I dunno. Speaking of work. I have to work my “regular” shift tonite. Wee. McDidiot is also on the schedule. And my alltime favourite, Laurie. UGH. McDidiot has been easier to handle as of late and I no longer despise her, tho I still think she’s as ditzy as they come. Laurie. Uhm. Well. What’s that old addage? If you can’t find something nice to say…..Thankfully Jeff also works tonite. And since McDidiot is here, they’re sure to work on the adult unit together. So I guess it depends on Laurie’s mood/willingness to work, if I’ll be the float or if I’ll be teching on the kids side. It’d be kinda nice to tech, if the census is still medium-sized, cuz if I finish early, I can start working on any new admits that’ve come in since Friday and get a headstart on MondayAsGrace. I wonder who else is working. (There’s only four on the schedule, but there have to be at *least* five working. 2 per unit and a float) Doopdi doopdi do. I want Donna back. *whine*

I’m gonna eat my easy mac and get ready for work I guess. lah. But first:

I’m really tired of junkmail. But today I got a very long interesting one. heh.

My name is Dinara. I live in Russia, in the city of Elabuga. To me 27 years.
I am cheerful woman, and like to do many things
as sport, camping, go to the cinema, theatre etc.
In a word I like to do all what like all people.
I would like to find out you better, but for the beginning I
shall tell a little about itself:
Studied in institute also I have good educations I work as the
the children’s doctor. Since the childhood I have chosen for this
myself trade I very much I like my work, I have respect of people
with which I I work also which fly.
I can tell about myself that with a smile I go for work, therefore
that really I receive great pleasure from work with children. I love
children very much and I would like to have children in the future, but
for the beginning I want to find the love.:)
My director has planned to open a private clinic for russian children in
USA. I and some other children’s doctors of our school had an opportunity
to work in the USA. To work in the USA I has passed fast rate of studying
english language. To me did all necessary documents for flight
in USA, but approximately one month ago director informed me that all
plans are cancelled and is never possible to be carried out. I built big
plans and all has failed.
Certainly I have been very much disappointed when has learned these news.
Several days ago to me there has come the invitation from US the ambassador
for reception of the visa. Director informed me that I can to take advantage
of this visa in my personal purposes.
Also director informed that can give long holiday from work if I shall
decide to fly in the USA. I long thought the visa is necessary for me whether
or not. I heard about your country much and it seems to me that really the
best place where it is possible to live and to enjoy a life. The USA has good
economy and it does yours the country stable.
I think that the USA it really best place to find the love, and to live
happily up to the end of a life. I always dreamed to see what life in the
USA and it is possible even to find the love there. Now this dream seems a
reality because with the visa I I have an opportunity to travel in the USA.
I have taken advice about trip to the USA at the girlfriends and they have
told that will be happy for me if I shall carry out the dream of trips to the
USA. Also they informed that men from USA have all qualities of the best
husband. It is valid so? I has decided to fly in the USA, but it is difficult
for me to think of flight in your country seriously because know nobody there.
Probably it silly sounds, but I has decided to engage to searches
of the man from the USA on the Internet. Now I have written to you also it
would be very glad if my visa was useful for ours meetings. I would like to
learn you closer. To learn it is more about your plans, dreams and values.
Who knows, probably we have general plans for The future and to us it will be
good together!?
If you really want to find the good woman for yourself that please write to
me and perhaps in the future we could know better each other and we would have
our meeting and we could build the present family and good relations.
Please write to me back.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
To have good day,

ICQ: 234539441

Mail me to:

Perhaps one sentence sums it mostly up:
To work in the USA I has passed fast rate of studying english language.

lah….Who takes the time to write these things and send them to the entire world????? geesh.

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~*~*~lah~*~*~ is about *it*. xxoo,