Cover Art….

Wee. So. While taking a (long) break from studying today, I fiddled around more with my poetry porfolio. I had it almost all done, I was just still trying to figure out what to do for the cover art.

I finally did decide to name it “” so for the cover, I wanted something to kind of….show that. I wanted something dichotomous, yet not. This is what I finally came up with:

and here is the photo in colour (but for my cover it’s in b&w, cuz for each of the section headings, I clipped a piece of the colour photo and used that….I’m pretty damn proud of the thing.)

The box is the one that J gave me a few years ago, and the symbol is for healing. And then I dug thru my drawer til I found the old wellbutrin I was on (because it was bright blue, as opposed to what I’m on now, which is just beige-coloured) and I used those and my zyprexa for the border around the box. And then, of course I have a million buttons around, so I just scattered some around.

Then I played with it in photoshop. (After taking like, a dozen digital pics of it, til I got one I liked!!)

I almost don’t want to turn it in!!!

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Very nice! I like it!! =o)


May 1, 2005


LOVE it. Fabulous, marvelous!!