Cigars and other such things.

So. One of my latest free-associative rambles to J. heh….

aloud. allowed. a cloud, floating away. a cloud occluding a clue. occluding clouds covering cues, clotted. alot. alloted. slipping thru a slotted spoon. spoon spoon spooning. swooning. looming, a cloud occluding spooning. a loud looming cloud allowed a shroud. only allowed a slipping shroud shutting out the loud looming crowd. crowded into a corner. caught, caged, confused, cold. told not to hold, holed behind the crowd in cloudy corners. mourners, warn-ers. sifting thru signs. soft silky thighs. not wise. shuttered eyes hate your goodbyes ignore my sighs, silently concealing, confessing, confounding the caring caressing. oppressing. fighting the lesson. figuratively. a figurative fugative foraging for a forgotten fond embrace. encase. in case. can’t face. face away. a way someday to face the pace. plodding trodding traipsing tripping. flipping fiercely, falling thru air. care. aware. beware. be aware of the care. beware care. share. the shame. shame sharing game, everybody knows your name. place blame, no fame only flame. fire desire aspire acquire. aspire to acquire the desire of flame without fire. tire. quagmire. liar. hire the choir. go a step higher. perspire only to expire in the fire the flames licking higher up the wire. dire. drier. dyer. die. died. hide inside. slip and slide. denied. denial. revile. vilify. why defy, deny. why decry decrial. stay awhile to wile. away someday to weigh heyday and payday. play in a day. runaway anyway. any way to delay the slay a lay slice away. today. nay don’t say to assay. assuage. massage. message. vestige. vested. tested. moe less did. curly did more. sore. bore. whore. lore. deplore. explore. before. roar. more. core. soar. adore. adorn. forlorn. to mourn the morn. shorn. torn. worn. sworn. swear. wear. fare. fair. tear. care. air. despair. despise. disguise the why. vie the sky. try. sigh. cry. careen. caress. finesse. detest. nest. best. test. lest you contest, lose interest confess. confer. comfortable. clouds. arouse. douse. mouse. house. spouse. louse. lose. loom. loom in the doom of the room, leering looking loathing. clothing. cloaking. croaking. choking on clouds so loud under the crowd. not allowed to shroud…………

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