check plus!

Wee…I *finally* got some check plusses on my poems. One for Stonewall and another for the one at the bottom of the page. (which I hope shows clearly enough) I was surprised, I really thought he’d hate the second one, cuz of the funky fonts and colours. And I told him as such when he handed it back and he was like “I thought I would too. I tried to, but I guess I really must’ve liked it!” *smiles*

And I got some positive comments too. Things like Excellent & well structured, narrated. – You’re getting good! Terrifying too.. (that was for the Stonewall one) So. Yay. I was worried, cuz he hasn’t seemed to have liked my stuff lately. Yay for check +’s.

I should go pick up crickets but the roads are getting really yucky. I have to go to MC at 6 for Tobeco, tho the Allies mtg is there at the same time. Wee. I haven’t gotten to go to all of the informal meetings cuz I’ve had Tobeco stuff. So it will be like I’m in two places at once.

I went to see Batboy, the musical last nite. It was awesome. There was some hilarious stuff in it. I’m going to try to go again on Saturday night. I’d consider going tonite, but I have tobeco and then I have to be to the daycare at 8am tomorrow. And tomorrow is Tobeco then Open Mic then work. Eeek.

I have one exam next week. And then break! wOOt! (I feel so 15 when I say that. LOL.)

Here is the other piece my prof liked. The assignment for this one was to go visit the AIDS quilt pieces that were being displayed in our library that week, and jot down notes or whatnot..feelings, thoughts, etc…and to make a poem out of it. The poem could’ve been nearly unrelated to the Quilt, as in, it coulda just been about another memorial we had been to, or a poem about something that the quilt triggered. So. Here is my piece…

©PBP, 2005

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That format just ROCKS. It works… totally WORKS for that piece in particular–I’m glad your prof liked it too. I was really disappointed with my Poetry class experience. I got an A–but the teacher made a lot of negative comments on my work through-out the year (or comments I PERCEIVED as negative–you know the difference 🙂 and as my writing is soooo personal to me–those comments hurt.

…I could say I learned from them… but it mostly boiled down to the fact that he didn’t like that “My Style” was often to NOT have a “style”… I often go freestyle & he liked everything formatted, metered, structured. I can DO that. But not ALL my thoughts come out like that, y’know?

February 24, 2005

Brilliant, really brilliant! Hugs with pointy elbows.

So many notes… 1) I really like the poem too. I had a typography prof in college who would have LOVED it. Very nicely handled use of font. =o) 2) I want a full review of Batboy: The Musical. 3)This will date me, but what are the origins of the word “woot?” Where does it come from and why do so many people use it? And why don’t I know it?

February 25, 2005
February 25, 2005

I like this very much. With a smile…