A message from namoli brennet, please go see her show if you can!!!!

Namoli Fans Unite

OK, that’s a little bit of a dramatic beginning, which might be slightly unwarranted. Nevertheless, I am calling upon you to use your super powers for good. As you may or may not know, I’m still on the east coast, and I have a few shows left in my tour. One in particular: On Tuesday, I’m playing my first solo show in NYC, where for some reason (Broadway? Nightlife? Nintendo Wii?) it can be difficult to draw a crowd. So I’m calling on YOU, dear fans – if you ever loved me, send your friends to my NYC show! Or come yourself if you’re in the area! This concludes my desperate plea.

Tues. 3/20
Mo Pitkins
34 Avenue A
New York, NY
7 pm
w/Andrea Paquin on bass!


Trust me, she’s AWESOME!!!

“Transcending Folk” is her…tag line? 🙂 She’s a transgendered folk artist and her music can be found at and (at least I think that’s the site. You can do a search and find it 🙂

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March 17, 2007

Saw your title and said “WHAT ALREADY?” (Typical NY response, trust me.) I haven’t the wherewithal just at the moment for even a $5 cover, but that won’t keep me from looking her up and catching her when I have got the funds. Hugs!

March 17, 2007

what the heck is “transgendered” folk?

March 17, 2007

Methinks I’ll have to research this a bit….

Hey… I am listening on her myspace right now. She IS awesome! Thanks for sharing. & hey.2, I just noticed that you called last night? ((((hugs you))))

*eep* yeah, that would have been me (answering/then hanging up) I had a vague remembrance of someone calling–I’ve been cashing out for the night embarassingly early these days & have been so hyped up during the day that I’ve been taking a couple benedryl just so I can wind down… anyway. I was hoping that I’d just looked at the phone in my sleep state and not actually done anything with it! So,I’m sorry… :/

March 20, 2007

ryn: Thank you sweetie. Are you doing OK? I worry about you when you get depressed. Hope things are going better for you. *smooches*

March 20, 2007

RYN about MN: LOL…sorry about that…my boss wandered in and I had to hit the button and go…lol. I’ll have to look into her…I do a lot with independent musicians…so, always interested in someone new…thanks for the info! take care…