cake cups

So. Officially 28 now.

The Namoli concert was fucking AMAZING. OMG. I wish I had recorded it or something. She’s so brilliant.

AJ’s in the kitchen making cupcakes. Then we’re going out to dinner.

We went to the bar last nite after the concert, with Jay and his boyfriend Matt. KC showed up too! It was fun, tho I like the bar scene less and less each time I go.

I only had 1 g&t, but then I started to feel crappy. AJ got lots of pics. Just have to wait til she can send them to me. Hate waiting! heh. Hate non-camera-having. Grr. Need to see if I can make mine work again. lah.

haha. I’m terrified to check my bank account.

So I’m not going to.

Ignorance is bliss. Or. Something.

Really liked the quote on today’s AWAD….

God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.
-Paul Valery, poet and philosopher (1871-1945)

And J’s response, when I sent it to her….

[E], As does the beauty. It’s half empty, but also half-full. Happy
birthday! J

*rolls eyes* Silly therapists. ;}

Ok. Nap time til dinner. heh. I’m so lazy.

Matt and Jay invited us to go out on Friday nite. They’re going up to where AJ lives, actually, and going to a few gay bars. I want to go and hang out with them, but I don’t really want to go out. The smoke really bothers me anymore and I think I’m done with alcohol. It and my meds just don’t mix. *shrugs*

Then Saturday is another Namoli concert about 45 mins away!!!! Yay!!!! KC might go up with AJ & I, so that’d be fun.

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I’ve never been big on the bar scene. And now I seriously want some cupcakes.

March 8, 2007

happy birthday my friend. xoxo *~

RYN: Hey, this is James Ensor, and on behalf of the FFBs, I’m glad we could make you laugh. That’s why we started the whole thing. =)

mm. cupcakes. happy happy, babe.

Happy Birthday!! 🙂

happy birthday 🙂

March 12, 2007

post pics when you get them? happy being 28!