but mobius strips aren’t supposed to end

but mobius strips aren’t supposed to end

straws and camels and life
tipped by a turtle
tumbling out of trajectory,
The Point is blurred by a well-
ing of tears [so far simply
the saltywet variety. stay
tuned for homonyminous
outbreaks, sure to occur shortly].

today has been brought
to you by the number 42
and the colour yell-
ow (with flecks of pseudomeat
for added contrast).

systole followed by diastole [trans-
lated for laymen to lubdub-
lubdub] ensures the completion
of this catasrophic careen-
ing through life [or at least
the repititon of this rep-
lication of red-eyed real-

Wrap me safe inside, cover
me tight in a pericardium of
peace so that I might fall
asleep to the murmer
of ventricles measuring
out so many mililiters of blood
per beat, to the silent open-
ing and closing of valves
controlling the volume pour-
ing into purple veins,
to the very process
that pushes
people past this pain
[that it also perpetuates].

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Next time I cook something, I’ll remember to add flecks of pseudomeat for added contrast. 😉

I’ve always had a fondness for turtles, even though I’ve never been fortunate enough to have one of my own. I grieve for your loss.