Break out the pink… ****edit****

Ok. My sister finally called.

If I thought her husband was a pudwacker before…well…..

(DAMNIT. I HATE how the page finishes loading and moves my cursor, so when I hit enter it’s either in the title or on “submit” GRRRRRRR)


So. Apparently he didn’t get back to the hospital til SIX THIRTY!!!!! So he was gone from like, 11 or so til 630, and then visiting was over at 8. Who DOES that????????? Pudwacker.

Anyhow. So. My sister called. Everyone is healthy. Baby is prolly going to be called Caitlynn Marie. She’s got slightly curly dark brown hair (yay!!) (no one has any idea where blond Z came from) I liked Alexandria better. But Caitlynn (maybe with an E since H’s middle name is “Lynne”) will grow on me. I kinda wished she’d named it Caitlynn Lee, after our mum’s name, but it’s not my kid, so.

H sounds good, we talked for a while. She’s breast fed the baby already and it seems to be working this time around!!! (She had difficulty and in the end no success with breastfeeding Z. Possibly due to the fact that he had taken 2 bottles by the time she was cognizant enough to feed. Possibly not.)

Anyways, here’s a conversation a friend and I just had about the assholishness of my brother in law….

[19:57] Kismet: my sister had a baby today
[19:57] Cindel: thats what my boss said [ed note: this is irrelevant to the current conversation 🙂 ]
[19:57] Cindel: oh kewl
[19:57] Cindel: girl?
[19:57] Kismet: yep
[19:57] Cindel: yay for girls
[19:57] Kismet: yep
[19:57] Kismet: dunno its name yet
[19:57] Kismet: heh
[19:57] Kismet: her husband is an ASSHOLE extraordinairre
[19:58] Cindel: lol
[19:58] Cindel: how do you really feel about him
[19:58] Kismet: cuz she was due to have a c-section on the 23rd
[19:58] Kismet: but last nite her bp went up and wouldn’t come down, so they went to the hosp and they couldn’t get it down either
[19:58] Kismet: solong story short, they ended up doing the c-section today
[19:58] Kismet: but, so. he KNOWS i’m concerned. he KNOWS i know the c-section is scheduled for 930am
[19:59] Kismet: does he call me to let me know what’s going on?
[19:59] Kismet: NO
[19:59] Cindel: lol
[19:59] Kismet: fucker waits til i leave frantic msgs on his phone
[19:59] Kismet: calls back at like, 1
[19:59] Kismet: and says “oh yeah. delivered at 957 blah blah blah”
[19:59] Kismet: he’s like ‘i went out to lunch with my parents’ and stuff
[19:59] Kismet: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:59] Kismet: who DOES that????
[19:59] Cindel: oh. yeah, thats shitty
[20:00] Kismet: i’d call him a douche bag but i like vaginas too much.
[20:00] Kismet: pudwacker.
[20:00] Kismet: i’m STILL mad.
[20:00] Cindel: yeah, i hadnt noticed
[20:00] Kismet: sorry.
[20:00] Cindel: wait.
[20:00] Kismet: *waits*
[20:01] Cindel: does douche bag refer to a vagina?
[20:01] Kismet: well. no. but. it’s used for vaginas
[20:01] Cindel: i mean, i know what …ok
[20:01] Cindel: but just because you like vaginas, doesnt mean you like douche
[20:01] Cindel: in fact, its a good reason to not like douche
[20:02] Kismet: i wouldn’t know, i’ve never douched!
[20:02] Kismet: lol
[20:02] Kismet: ANYWAYS
[20:02] Kismet: he’s a fuckwit
[20:02] Cindel: i havent either, but its bad for them
[20:02] Cindel: okay
[20:02] Cindel: sorry.
[20:02] Kismet: i don’t think all douches are bad for them?
[20:02] Cindel: <– off topic
[20:02] Kismet: i thought they were just kinda like….frontal enemas
[20:02] Cindel: i think so
[20:03] Kismet: that’s ok. it proves my point. i’d rather talk about DOUCHING than about HIM.
[20:03] Kismet: heh.
[20:03] Cindel: most douches are just because women dont like the smell of a natural vagina, and so they want to “scent” it
[20:03] Cindel: LOL
[20:03] Kismet: ah. glad that we got that straightened out.
[20:03] Kismet: i think i might have to post this conversation somewhere
[20:03] Kismet: i mean, it would be wrong not to.
[20:04] *** You have been disconnected. Wed Apr 11 20:04:15 2007.
[20:06] *** You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received.
[20:06] Kismet: sorry, got dc
[20:06] *** You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received.
[20:06] *** You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received.
[20:06] Kismet: hrm
[20:06] *** “Cindel” signed on at Wed Apr 11 20:06:49 2007.
[20:06] Kismet: am i connected yet?
[20:06] Cindel: hi
[20:06] *** Auto-response sent to Cindel: cleaning.
or sleeping. it’s kinda the same thing in my book. :p
[20:07] Kismet: sorry, got dc
[20:07] Cindel: dis ok
[20:07] Kismet: WoOt!!!
[20:07] Kismet: i just found clean underwear
[20:07] Cindel: lol
[20:07] Cindel: i love you
[20:07] Kismet: *laughs at the laundry gods* Thwarted again SUCKA!!!!
[20:07] Cindel: LOL
[20:07] Cindel: oh, my button!
[20:07] Cindel: come visit meeeee
[20:08] Kismet: move closer to meeeeeeeee!
[20:08] Kismet: hehe.
[20:08] Cindel: i think i might have
[20:08] Kismet: hey, maybe i’ll come visit sometime and see if it’s a decent city to live in
[20:08] Kismet: anything less than 3 hours doesn’t count
[20:08] Cindel: yeah, ill take you to the lesbian district
[20:08] Kismet: you have a lesbian district????
[20:09] Cindel: uh, we have lots of things in chicago
[20:09] Cindel: boystown is more famous, but mostly i think because the boys are soooo flamey
[20:09] Kismet: damnit. why can’t chicago be in like, cleaveland?
[20:09] Kismet: did you get my msgs about posting the earlier convo?
[20:09] Cindel: you dont think they had the gay games here for no reason,
[20:10] Kismet: the gay games?
[20:10] Cindel:
Kismet (7:03:34 PM): i think i might have to post this conversation somewhere

Kismet (7:03:41 PM): i mean, it would be wrong not to.

Cindel (7:03:51 PM): lol. where in the hell are you gonna post it:?

Kismet signed off at 7:06:24 PM.
[20:10] Kismet: oh, ya know. various blogs.
[20:10] Cindel:
yeah, the gay olympics
[20:10] Kismet: real names changed to protect the innocent
[20:10] Cindel:
sure, go ahead
[20:10] Cindel:
[20:10] Kismet: but NOT the puddwackers
[20:10] Cindel:
i am innocent?
[20:10] Kismet: pudwacker’s
[20:11] Kismet: well, everything’s relative


heh. Not that you can actually SEE the baby. But still. More pictures later, I’m sure.

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I couldn’t get through the entire conversation. I’m only allowed to read “douche” so many times in a day. But he sure is an asshole. And he’s single handedly bringing pudwacker back.

….gosh, Z is getting his big boy face!! 🙁 (we got pics from J’s dad yesterday… xmas 2 years ago. I looked at them with O & about cried. He, especially looked so baby-ish) *sigh* I swear I can smell that new baby smell just looking at her in those baby blankets. 🙂 ((((hugs))))

& reading… “bringing pudwacker back” (giggles)

-is french- why would you call someone a shower? -innocent, and stuff.- -giggling- -sleepy.- -sleeps on you- i love babies.

April 12, 2007

OMG, cute or what?? big brother too! _bc_

April 12, 2007

Hi…found you trhough a fave, thought I’d let you know I was here. 🙂

April 12, 2007

ryn: No, I don’t think you know me (IRL or on OD)…. I am sure he did too…he is JUST THAT crazy!

April 14, 2007

Yes, pictures. God, I LOVE babies. I’m sorry about your BIL being…what’s that word again? Oh, yeah…douchebag.