
Took my Little to see Bratz yesterday. It wasn’t playing anywhere in the nearby vicinity, so we went to a theatre about an hour and 40 minutes away. Or at least, it was *supposed* to be an hour and 40 minutes away. But of course, due to my mad geography skills, it wound up being much longer. UGH.

Thankfully Lou lives in/near that town and was available to stay on the phone with me for ages to help me figure out how the hell to get unlost. AND! We met up for dinner, too, which was lovely.

And I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I mean, it wasn’t wonderful. But it also wasn’t nearly as horrible as I was afraid it was going to be. Just very standard tween-fare. Best friends grow apart, realize the error of their ways, and reunite to put rich snob in her place. But it had a whole lot of music and the acting wasn’t over the top or annoyingly fakehollywood or anything. I think I also liked it cuz it dealt with stereotypes, but not necessarily with one being any better than another, if that makes sense? I dunno. I wouldn’t pay to see it again, but I’d prolly watch it if it were on tv. *shrugs*

Jeff called while I was down there and asked me to work for him. And at the time, I had planned on going to the 5pm movie, which woulda put me back home at 9ish. So I said sure. Then, of course, I got lost enough that we couldn’t make the early show and ended up going to the 730 show, putting us back home at 11. So I was about 20 minutes late getting in, but I got there just as report was over, so that was ok.

And then Donna asked me if I wanted to work for *her* tonite, so I said sure. Census is down and I need the hours. And I’ll be able to work on the kids side with Mary. If I had been stuck working with McDidiot, I woulda said No Way. But it should be ok. I work tomorrow nite too. Wee.

It works out that the Psych center and SS bill on the same schedule, so I’ll be getting two paychecks this week. That will be nice. Tho neither will be large. Hopefully they will bring my back account back up to zero. wee.

more sleep now, I think.

Log in to write a note

Sleep well. =o)

Sleep well. Some $$$ is better than no $$$.

August 20, 2007

ta for the note, think i might just use sand now.

RYN: He’s doing okay for the time being. Test results for FIV and leukemia came back negative. The vet seems to think it’s kidney related, but we’ll know more when the bloodwork comes back in the morning. Thank you for your kind thoughts. *hug*